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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Dubai Municipality has embarked on a project to set up a comprehensive information system for the administration of its central laboratories.

The project is being implemented in co-operation with one of the international companies that specialises in developing the programming of the administration of laboratories. Mohammed AbdulKareem Julfar, Assistant Director General of Dubai Municipality for Technical Services said that the new system will replace all the old systems that are currently under use.

Julfar said that with the new system, Dubai Central Laboratory Department will be able to plan and analyze activities related to testing of specimen, follow it up closely, obtain whatever information needed for that and issue certificates regarding the status of the specimen and its specifications.

As the new system is available online at Dubai Municipality's e-government portal, all the customers of Dubai Central Laboratory will benefit from it. Due to this specialty, several of the expenses for automation of processing the transaction can be reduced. The chances for mistakes will also decrease when handwritten entry is stopped for making reports.

AbdulHakim Malik, Director of Information Technology Department in the Municipality, who oversees the implementation of the project, said, "Through the new system, it is also possible to call other information systems that are in use in the Municipality such as Finance System, Warehouse and Purchasing System, Human Resources Management and other systems."

Using the new system, it will be possible to call other private labs that are not under the Municipality in order to exchange information and results of specimen analysis. He said the project would be completed by the end of 2004.

Quelle: AME Info, 20.12.2003

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