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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As the government’s popular front line agency, the Road Transport Department strives to provide excellent services via the counter or the Internet to increase efficiency for the benefit of the public.

You no longer have to queue and wait for hours to renew your motor driving licence and other services related to the Road Transport Department (RTD) now.

With a click of the mouse you can get the services done hassle free without travelling and going to the department counters.

RTD director-general Datuk Solah Mat Hassan said their official portal offers many e-services to the public and the website acts as a one-stop centre rendering almost all the activities done at the counters.

“Counters are only open from 7.30 am to 5.30pm on weekdays and we operate five days a week. Whereas with the click of the mouse, the public can do their dealings from anywhere and any time.

“This reduces our manpower and it’s hassle-free,” he said.

Solah said the public can among others renew their motor vehicle licence and driving licence, appeal, download forms and do enquiries.

As the government’s popular front line agency, he said RTD always strives to provide excellent services to the public via the counter, kiosk or the Internet and they make full use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to increase its efficiency.

Elaborating on E-Rayuan, Solah said, the people can file in any appeal application like for instance a driving licence which expired more than three years.

“However, the appeal must be submitted via RTD’s official website. As at March this year, 1,625 people had filed their appeals,” he said.

Solah explained that users just need to key in some relevant information to check the Blacklisted Vehicle and Driving Licence list and Instructor Certificate Exam Result and Qualified Training Instructor Exam Result.

“The public can also enquire about the Driving Test Section 1 (Laws), the Expiry Date of Driving Licence and the Latest Vehicle Registration Number.

“They can also download some JPJ forms with regards to act and rule, publication, enforcement, driver licensing, vehicle licensing and vehicle technicals,” said Solah.

And if you are not satisfied with any of the services rendered by the department, Solah said the public can lodge a report via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

“To lodge complaints on traffic offences, just provide crucial information such as location, vehicle number, date and your comment.

“Any complaint on traffic offences, enquiry and advisory services and Motor Vehicle Licence and Driving Licence Renewal done via the RTD portal are linked to,” he said.

Solah said MyEG Services Berhad is a concessionare for the Malaysian E-Government MSC Flagship Appli­cation and it provides the electronic link between the Government and citizens or businesses.

He said it is basically a single point of contact between the Government and the people it serves.

Beside the service, Solah said, other e-services include e-PUS­PAKOM, e-EKSAIS, e-LKM, e-INSURAN, e-HAK MILIK, e-AP, and e-DAFTAR.

He said these e-services allow information to flow seamlessly among RTD and other agencies.

Solah said RTD plans to increase its service delivery channels and provide alternatives to customers through additional online services to help reduce congestion at JPJ counters and be in line with its online service concept of being fast, anytime and easy,” he said, adding that there are many e-services in the pipeline.

Among them are e-PLATE, e-BIDDING, e-TUKARMILIK, e-PANDU SIHAT, Personalised Number Plate, Automated Enforcement System (AES), e-VIS (Electronic Vehicle Information System), e-Sah Lesen Memandu and “booking” for driving test.

For those who tend to forget renewing their driving licences and road tax, Solah said they should register with KOMUNITI ONE JPJ as a member.

To register, type REG JPJ [full name] [Identification Card number] and send an SMS to mySMS 15888.

Solah said, once registered, Motor Vehicle Licence and Driving Licence Renewal notices would be sent via short messaging service (SMS) and mail to them upon expiry date.

Over 9,613 people have registered with “Komuniti OneJPJ” as of May and a total of 615 reminder notices have been sent so far, he said.

While promoting its online services aggressively, Solah said, they do not overlook the counter services.

“You cannot implement e-services at one go because we have the younger generation who are IT-savvy while the older generation are still not familiar with online services”.

Road Transport Department e-services:

  • e-PUSPAKOM provides information about vehicle check in Puspakom.
  • e-EKSAIS provides tax information from Custom Department.
  • e-LKM allows driving licence renewal done via kiosk and Myeg portal.
  • e-INSURAN offers vehicle insurance information obtained from insurance companies to replace cover note.
  • e-HAK MILIK transfers ownership claim information from financial institutions.
  • e-AP offers Approved Permits information obtained from International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI).
  • e-DAFTAR provides Vehicle and buyers’ information obtained directly from dealer or vehicle seller to facilitate registration at counters. Dealers fill up Vehicle Registration Form (JPJK1).


Autor(en)/Author(s): Au Yeong How

Quelle/Source: The Star, 25.06.2009

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