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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

5G is the missing link that can provide the necessary bandwidth and wireless connection to the cloud for new smart city projects.

Current statistics predict that the volume of data generated will amount to 181 zettabytes by 2025, more than six times the amount that was processed in 2018. However, the 4G networks are a bottleneck for moving this data to the cloud. 5G increases mobile bandwidth by at least a factor of 100 which will allow data created by smart vehicles (think Teslas, buses, trucks), municipal surveillance cameras, traffic signals and sensors, emergency vehicle communications, and hundreds of other data sources to reach the cloud.

Read more: US: Overcome 5G Challenges to Power the Next Great Smart City

Three sustainable initiatives for our homes, neighborhoods and cities

Here are some smart initiatives that are favorable to us and to our surroundings. They regard the potential green areas in your neighborhood, how you can understand and improve the transportation in your city and how you can benefit from the photovoltaic revolution. Other examples will follow in other articles.

Read more: US: Smart projects for smart people

Clark County, Nevada, is partnering with NTT to deploy the pilot at Sunset Park that will initially focus on park occupancy and notification, and vehicle counting.

Clark County, Nevada, is partnering with NTT to deploy a smart park pilot in one of Las Vegas Valley’s largest and most popular parks.

The project at Sunset Park will focus on two specific use cases: park occupancy and notification; and vehicle counting.

Read more: US: Nevada: Smart park pilot launched in Las Vegas

The Oakland County municipality selects GovPilot as provider of cloud-based government management software to streamline operations and constituent services

A transition from paper to digital processes is underway in Birmingham, Michigan where local officials have sought greater efficiency in municipal operations and constituent services. The city recently partnered with GovPilot, a Hoboken, New Jersey based provider of cloud-based government management software.

Read more: US: Birmingham, Michigan, Pursues Digital Transformation

“Smart city and smart region initiatives are springing up around the country, intending to build digitally connected surroundings that will assist local and regional governments in providing more effective programs and services.”

Governments that want to serve their residents in the digital age must keep up with the expectations of their tech-savvy voters. Governments must use new technology to react to citizen demand for 24-hour digital information services and deliver additional services and activities that benefit constituents. While technology can assist governments and government agencies become more effective, updating technology takes time.

Read more: US: Technological Advances Shaping the Future of Public Sector

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