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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Self-funding project to reduce city's carbon footprint, enable critical infrastructure upgrades and create local jobs

The City of Fullerton has contracted with NORESCO, a national leader in energy efficiency, resiliency and infrastructure solutions, to implement an $8.4 million energy efficiency project guaranteed to save $12.1 million during the contract period. Funded entirely from generated savings, the project demonstrates that energy savings can help local governments tackle deferred maintenance while also expanding smart city technologies and distributed energy resources.

Read more: US: California: City of Fullerton to Unlock Energy Savings and Fund Smart City Solutions with...

The US city of Chicago, in partnership with technology firm Ameresco, has completed its Chicago Smart Lighting Programme.

The programme includes the modernisation of 280 street lighting fixtures with smart models for improved energy efficiency and smart city- use cases.

The $160 million initiative is the largest city-led wireless smart street lighting project in the US, according to the statement.

Read more: US: Illinois: Chicago completes smart street lighting project with Ameresco

Surveillance is a rising concern as cities invest in more self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology (SMART).

The classic problems cities face are poverty, traffic, public safety, energy and water. Some are turning to technology in hopes of addressing some of those issues.

Read more: US: Spread of 'smart city' technology raises privacy concerns

Smart cities are coming.

Weaving together the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), the Internet of Things (IoT), geopositioning, machine learning and more, the cities of the future will be interconnected in ways only science fiction writers have previously imagined. All our appliances will know our habits and tendencies and will automate the drudgery of day-to-day living. Our trips outdoors will be guided and routed to ensure an efficient path. Anywhere we go—schools, hospitals, airports and grocery stores—will be a smart facility as well, with streamlined and convenient experiences.

Read more: US: Smart Parking in the Smart City: How Your Buildings Can Profit

The kiosks offer a free Wi-Fi hotspot and feature a dual-sided 65” touchscreen that displays digital advertising, location-based informational listings and interactive applications to promote local businesses and points of interest.

Houston is expanding its smart city infrastructure with digital, interactive wayfinding kiosks to that aim to enhance the pedestrian experience for residents and visitors.

Read more: US: Texas: Houston's smart kiosks aid wayfinding, promote local attractions

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