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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-government gets a boost as courts and agencies prepare to post public documents and resources.

Read more: Government Services to Beef Up Web Sites

Rund 345 Millionen US-Dollar will die US-amerikanische Regierung in den kommenden vier Jahren ausgeben, um die elektronische Verwaltung voranzubringen. Den entsprechenden Electronic Government Act hat US-Präsident George W. Bush heute unterzeichnet. Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass dafür im kommenden Jahr zunächst 45 Millionen US-Dollar zur Verfügung stehen, bis hin zu 150 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2006.

Read more: Die USA treiben eGovernment voran

President Bush signed a new e-government initiative today, but librarians and public interest groups are warning that some White House policies could undermine the law by making it harder and more costly for citizens to use the Internet to find government documents or take advantage of essential federal services.

Read more: E-Gov Law Sets Up Clash Over White House Outsourcing Plan

Getting more government information and services on-line is an aim of the U.S. Electronic Government Act, President Bush's latest effort to streamline the executive branch.

Read more: U.S. to streamline on-line government services

President Bush today signed legislation that promises funding for dozens of information technology programs designed to improve the public's online access to the federal government.

Read more: President Signs Legislation To Create Digital Government

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