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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

UA: Ukraine

  • Digital Literacy portal to be created in Ukraine

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a resolution on the creation of the Digital Literacy portal in Ukraine.

    The government supported the relevant decision at its meeting on March 10, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

  • News New software aims to bring transparency to Ukrainian civil service

    The Ukrainian National Civil Service Agency (NACS) has signed 1.5 million US dollar contract for the supply and installation of a Human Resources (and Payroll) Management Information System (HRMIS) for Ukrainian public administration institutions.

    The HRMIS is a modern software that combines and automates a number of HR functions and analytical tools, such as storing employee data, managing payrolls, recruitment, and benefits administration. Importantly, it also provides public access to open data related to the headcount and payroll of public administration institutions.

  • Possibility of launching “Mobile ID” based on “Asan İmza” discussed in Ukraine

    The event arranged by the State Agency for E-government of Ukraine took place on February 7-8 in Kiev whereby the questions of implementing the mobile e-signature (“Mobile ID”) in Ukraine was discussed by the representatives of the Agency, mobile operators and international experts. Taking into account the level of mobile technology penetration in everyday life and professional activity, a tendency of new mobile standards technology deployment such as 3G and LTE, as well as increased demand for smartphones, a “Mobile ID” technology looks like one of the most promising in the context of providing citizens with electronic services by both the State and commercial enterprises. “Mobile ID” provides for mobile e-signature incorporated into a SIM-card, which will serve as a personality identifier to create a legally relevant electronic documents.

  • Shmyhal hopes e-services will be mutually recognized between Ukraine and EU

    Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal hopes that electronic trust services between the European Union and Ukraine will be mutually recognized in the coming years.

    He wrote about this on his Telegram channel after a meeting with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age.

  • Ukraina printing house to launch printing of biometric passports by Ukraine-EU summit

    Ukraina Printing House plans to launch the printing of biometric passports by the Ukraine-EU summit, which will be held in Vilnius in November 2013, company director Maksym Stepanov has said in an interview with ZN.UA

    However, Stepanov found it difficult to say what the cost of biometric passports will be, but he expressed confidence that the price would be lower than UAH 350 announced by the EDAPS Consortium.

  • Ukraine and BitFury launching first ‘full-scale’ blockchain eGovernment pilot

    The State Agency for eGovernment in Ukraine and Bitcoin mining manufacturer BitFury recently announced a memorandum of interaction and cooperation to create “the first full-scale Blockchain eGovernance program for Ukraine."

    According to the announcement, the program will begin with a pilot project introducing Blockchain technology into Ukraine’s eGovernment platform. The pilot will primarily focus on using blockchain technology in state land registries, public services, social security, public health and the energy sector. When the pilot is complete, the program will expand into all other areas, including cybersecurity.

  • Ukraine plans on being the world’s “most digital country”

    Ukraine is reportedly laying out plans to establish itself as the world's "most digital country". The country's leaders plan on utilising tech to make every service digital, which would allow the government to properly function even during dire circumstances.

    The plans emerged after the Russian invasion was first publicised by President Volodymyr Zelensky last month and fleshed out by Deputy PM Mykhailo Fedorov at a conference in Switzerland on Monday.

  • Ukraine, EU launch dialogue on cyber security

    Ukraine and the European Union launched the cybersecurity and digital transformation dialogue.

    The first round of the dialogue was held on June 3, Ukrinform reports with reference to the of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

    ''Ukraine and the EU reaffirmed their commitment to global, open, stable and secure cyberspace where the rule of law is fully respected, where the same rights that individuals have offline are also protected online, and where the security, economic growth, prosperity, and integrity of free and democratic societies is promoted and preserved. The EU expressed its solidarity with and support to Ukraine, which is facing cyber-attacks that seek to undermine its key infrastructure,” reads the statement.

  • Ukraine, EU sign agreement on e-governance

    The European Union and Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of e-governance on Thursday, December 13, the Mission of Ukraine to the EU has reported on its Facebook page.

    "Head of the State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine Oleksandr Ryzhenko and Director-General [of the Directorate-General] for Informatics at the European Commission Gertrud Ingestad have signed an Administrative Arrangement on cooperation in the field of e-government development. For the first time, Ukraine will have access to the EU's ISA² program, which deals with the development of common standards for the provision of electronic services," the statement reads.

  • Ukrainian local authorities step up for open local government

    The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe held a webinar “Open Government Partnership Going Local in Ukraine”, co-organised with the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC), on 16 June 2020. The aim of the online event was to promote the engagement of Ukrainian local authorities in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Local Programme and to provide them with practical recommendations and guidance, not only in the preparation of their applications, but also in aligning their policies with contemporary open local government principles.

  • 3D and digital twin tech to help rebuild cities in Ukraine

    Ukrainian government has chosen Egis, Dassault Systèmes and B4 for their expertise and experience in 3D virtual technologies to reconstruct urban areas.

    The Ukrainian government has selected Egis, Dassault Systèmes, and B4 for a partnership project to help rebuild cities damaged as the result of the invasion in Ukraine.

  • A decade on, Ukraine's e-government is still on paper

    The 10th anniversary of the idea of e-governance in Ukraine came and went on Feb. 24. The go-ahead for development of online democracy was given under the chairmanship of the then-Prime Minister and current President Viktor Yanukovych.

    The government decided to create a single electronic system of interaction with citizens and transfer the key administrative services to the Internet. This is where the process halted.

  • AU: E-health the way to go: survey

    Roughly nine out of 10 Australians believe doctors should have ready access to their medical information electronically during appointments, a new study shows.

    However, only 60 per cent of them said they were willing to share healthcare information online, a bane for the government's personally controlled e-health system.

    Around 1000 people participated in the survey commissioned by IT services firm Infosys.

  • AZ: First ever e-document signed with “Asan İmza” mobile e-signature between Ukraine and Azerbaijan

    The 3rd international “PKI Forum Ukraine 2016” ends today in Kiev, Ukraine, which is the information venue for discussion and exchange of best practices in the spheres of PKI, e-ID and trust services between international experts and representatives of government sector, business and public unions.

    The audience of the forum consists of the representatives of public authorities, cybersecurity specialists, e-ID and signature developers, mobile network operators and providers of online payment services as well as private investors.

  • AZ: Ukrainian delegation visits Baku for familiarization with “Asan İmza” technology

    On November 10-11th a delegation from Ukraine, comprised of the representatives of the Ukrainian State Agency for e-governance, Ministry of Justice and “Kiyvstar” mobile operator company, was on a visit in Baku with the aim to get familiarized with the experience of Azerbaijan in the sphere of e-services and advanced technologies applied in the process of provision of services to citizens. During the visit, the delegation held meetings at Azerbaijani Ministry of Taxes, State Agency on Provision of services to citizens and social innovations under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and “Azercell Telecom” and “B.EST Solutions” companies. Special attention in the course of the meetings was focused on issues related with mobile strengthened e-signature “Asan İmza”. Among the items discussed were such topics as overall architecture of the Azerbaijani mobile ID ecosystem, interaction between the components of the system based on public-private-partnership model, innovative e-services available via mobile e-signature etc.

  • BitFury to Work on Blockchain-based eGovernance in Ukraine

    The leading blockchain technology company, Bitfury has announced a partnership with the Government of Ukraine. As a part of the arrangement, the company will be working closely with the State to create a full-fledged eGovernance solution.

    Eastern Europe has been lately exhibiting its technological prowess in the cryptocurrency sector. Ukraine is one of the leading nations in the region to undertake few strong initiatives to promote the use of distributed ledger technology in various segments including eGovernance.

  • E-government taking off in Ukraine, bringing light to nation’s dark, corrupt places

    Government agencies in Ukraine provide more than 1,000 services. Behind this number, there are a host of public servants with low salaries exacting a huge cost from the people they are supposed to be serving – through nerves and through time or money paid in bribes to get the bureaucrats to work faster, or at all.

    Many countries have taken out the human equation through automation – saving money and improving public service in the process – through introducing electronic government platforms.

  • E-residency: How would it work in Ukraine?

    Ministry of Digital Transformation has put forward the idea of ​​creating an e-residency program that will allow foreign entrepreneurs to remotely establish and run their business in Ukraine.

    The main advantages for electronic residents would be low taxes (5% of business capital for an individual entrepreneur and 18% of net profit for legal entities) and the absence of paperwork. In their try to introduce the new system, officials are guided by the similar experience of Estonia. And in the spring of 2020 they plan to launch a pilot project, which will bring the first revenues to the state treasury.

  • E-Ukraine programme launched

    E-Ukraine, the national programme designed to encourage the integration of information technology in the country was officially presented in Kyev at the Telecom and Internet 2003 this week.
  • Electronic documents and signatures legalised in Ukraine

    The Ukrainian parliament has passed a law that legalises electronic documents and e-signatures. With the passage of the law, Ukrainian companies are now able to sign digital agreements and send them by e-mail. Businesses are responsible for security measures they apply using their e-documents.
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