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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

SG: Singapur / Singapore

  • Singapore Govt.’s new agency ‘GovTech’ to make online services more user-friendly

    The Singaporean government yesterday launched Government Technology Agency (GovTech), a government body specifically aimed to carry out digital transformation and make government services more user-friendly.

    With a team of 1,800 data scientists, technologists and engineers, the agency has been established to provide engineering support to smart nation projects and refresh old e-government services.

  • Singapore has been named the smartest city in Asia

    Singapore is the only Asian city among the top five smartest cities in the world in 2024.

    The index, produced by the Swiss business school Institute for Management Development (IMD), lists 142 cities in all, ranking them on the basis of how they use advanced technology for improvement in the lives of the citizens.

    The IMD said that its Smart City Index (SCI) “has now reached what can be considered as its stable configuration” following the methodological changes made in 2023.

  • Singapore has gained global attention by announcing a new, revised national AI plan

    Over the past two years, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has seen a national artificial intelligence (AI) strategy as a prerequisite for digital competitiveness and a key pillar of national governance. Last week, Singapore has gained global attention by announcing a new, revised national AI plan.

    Singapore, together with the UAE, was one of the first countries to declare, back in 2017, a regional AI plan. The latest one, launched on the last day of last week’s FinTech Festival in Singapore by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, is comprehensive and zero-in on some clear national targets. It also leverages investments in education, technology development, infrastructure and entrepreneurship already made by the government.

  • Singapore helping to seed ICT initiatives abroad

    Ever since Singapore embarked on a unique initiative to take the lessons learnt from its forays into eGovernment and eCitizen enablement, a slew of governments from around the world are seeking Singapore’s help to get their ICT schemes up to speed in the public space.

    Much of the initiative to export Singapore’s success in the ICT arena comes from IDA International that was set up as an arm of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore in February 2009. IDA International is the first such government initiative in the public service ICT space worldwide and is attracting interest from both big and small countries.

  • Singapore helps fast-track ME e-govt practices

    The Singapore e-Government Services Alliance (SESA), which aims to bring Singapore's e-government practices and solutions to governments in the Middle East, was launched at Gitex 2007. Led by CrimsonLogic, SESA has four other private enterprise members from Singapore, namely Ditium Technologies, Elixir Technology, RSTN and V3 Teletech.

    The formation of SESA was officially announced in Singapore in July 2007. The alliance is part of the International Partners (iPartners) programme initiated by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore1, an agency under Singapore's ministry of trade and industry.

  • Singapore housing to install sensors for elderly citizens

    Central unit to be set up to coordinate all smart city activities.

    Singapore’s Housing Development Board (HDB) will pilot the use of sensors to support elderly citizens, it was announced this week.

    The scheme will place sensors around people’s homes to watch for irregular patterns in their behaviour, the Prime Minister said. If changes occur, neighbours and family members can be alerted - allowing technology to augment the government’s care for an ageing population.

  • Singapore IDA Launches New Infocomm iExperience Centre

    Discovering New Possibilities with Next Gen Infocomm Services.

    The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today launched the Infocomm Experience Centre (iExperience), to showcase possibilities and benefits of Next Generation (Next Gen) services to the public and businesses.

    Located at the Esplanade Xchange, the centre comprises interactive and engaging exhibits designed to educate and excite visitors through a hands-on experience.

  • Singapore implements Infocomm Security Masterplan

    Singapore will invest some 38 million Singapore dollars (about 23 million US dollars) in three years to implement the Infocomm Security Masterplan, Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan said Tuesday.

    Speaking at a domestic infocomm security seminar, Tan stressed that cyber attacks pose a potential threat to the island state as the development of the country depends heavily on the cyber networks and infocomm technology.

  • Singapore in vanguard to embrace Cloud 2

    Singapore is in an unique position to embrace the next paradigm of cloud computing, called Cloud 2, due to its high-levels of broadband penetration, proliferation of mobile devices, and strong uptake of social media, according to

    Salesforce's Lindsey Armstrong notes that the Cloud 2 capability is one that is inherently social, collaborative, and delivers real-time access to data and information across new mobile devices.

    'The first phase of cloud computing was about leveraging technologies that were low cost, fast, and easy to use on your desktop,' Ms Armstrong, Salesforce's executive VP for Asia-Pacific and Japan, informs BizIT.

  • Singapore Internet Exchange To Boost Broadband Services

    ICT sector receives boost with new SGIX.

    Acting Minister Lui Tuck Yew announced the launch of the Singapore Internet Exchange (SGIX), which will provide a highly efficient facility for telcos to share information between their subscribers and improve the quality and speed of broadband for Singapore users.

    The initiative is part of the government’s efforts to develop the ICT sector to achieve economic growth, bridge social divides and deliver more effective government services.

  • Singapore introduces online patient portal

    Patients of Singapore’s National Skin Centre (NSC) can now have an access to their treatment records and communicate with their healthcare team from homes.

    The NSC today launched its online Patient Health Portal, the first for a health institution in Singapore, and possibly in Asia that will enable patients to conduct a variety of tasks related to their treatments, said Dr Steven Thng, consultant at the National Skin Centre.

    “The benefit includes corresponding with the healthcare team via email about medication, treatment and procedure queries,” he said.

  • Singapore Is Building a 42,000-Home ‘Smart’ City With One Big Central Air Conditioning Unit

    While the rest of the world is still getting used to the idea of the “smart” home, Singapore is already moving on to the next step: the “smart” city.

    The Southeast Asian city-state is hard at work on a new, 42,000-home “eco town” of Tengah, according to CNN. The settlement, which will have a car-free city center and homes that feature centralized cooling and automated trash pickup, won’t just be a place for its citizens to live and work; it could also help establish a blueprint for other urban centers looking to reduce carbon emissions in the decades to come.

  • Singapore is building a 42,000-home eco 'smart' city

    In a country where over 80% of residents live in public housing, a government commitment to sustainable urban design could have huge implications. And when it's a tropical country where convenience and air conditioning are a way of life, the impact could be greater still.

    Promising 42,000 new homes across five residential districts, the eco-town of Tengah -- the Malay word for "middle," though it's in the island's western region -- will be the 24th new settlement built by Singapore's government since World War II. It is, however, the first with centralized cooling, automated trash collection and a car-free town center, which conservationists hope offers a roadmap for slashing carbon emissions in the Southeast Asian city-state.

  • Singapore is improving G2B Services

    From 1 September 2018, CorpPass will be the only method for businesses to transact with essential government services.

    For businesses or private entities in Singapore to transact with online government services, a digital identity is bestowed upon them. With CorpPass, company secretaries or treasurers need not provide their personal identification when representing the company. The ambition for clear delineation was in order since September 2016. However, companies still had the option of using authorised third-party methods such as SingPass and EASY (e-Services Authorisation System).

  • Singapore is making the most of its smart-city expertise. Hong Kong should too

    Hong Kong’s post-pandemic economic recovery will take time, so the government should be more proactive in exporting its expertise in smart cities, which will bring new and huge business opportunities to different sectors.

    Singapore has demonstrated how to make good use of its experience to boost the economy. For example, the Singapore Land Authority, which facilitates the effective use of geospatial data in Singapore and was a co-creator of the impressive real-time, interactive 3D map Virtual Singapore, has gone one step further and created business potential by sharing this experience with other countries.

  • Singapore is top in e-govt

    Singapore has topped a list of more than 30 countries in e-government initiatives.

    A global study of 34 nations saw the government here ranked highest on optimising productivity of ministries and departments through the use of infocomm technology. It was also singled out for 'big progress' on its government online portals.

  • Singapore is world's smartest city for the third year: IMD Smart City Index

    Singapore is the smartest city in the world for the third year running, according to this year's Smart City Index.

    Published by Swiss business school Institute of Management Development (IMD) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design last Thursday (Oct 28), the index ranks 118 cities by how "smart" they are.

  • Singapore issues guidelines on personal data protection

    Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Commission issued guidelines this week to elaborate and provide interpretations on specific requirements and obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act.

    PDPA, that was first announced last October and to come into full effect from 2 July 2014, establishes a new general data protection law in Singapore, which governs the collection, use and disclosure of individuals’ personal data by organisation.

  • Singapore juggles IT centralisation with agency needs

    Public sector agencies in Singapore do not have to compromise their unique IT requirements after the consolidation of national IT infrastructure, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore has assured FutureGov.

    The consolidation effort – or Standard ICT Operating Environment (SOEasy) programme – involves a basic suite of applications and services which are fundamental and commonly used by all agencies. Plus each agency can select modules or blocks of applications to customise a solution that meets its distinct need, Lim Hup Seng, Deputy Secretary (Performance), Ministry of Finance (MOF), said.

  • Singapore keeps No 2 spot in global e-govt ranking

    Canada remains No 1, US rises a notch to tie with Singapore

    FOR the fourth year in a row, Singapore has maintained its No 2 position in the global e-government rankings of 22 countries which offer some measure of electronic government services.

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