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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

SE: Schweden / Sweden

  • Sweden tops rankings of global technology report for first time

    Sweden tops the rankings of The Global Information Technology Report 2009-2010, released today by the World Economic Forum. The report highlights the key role of ICT as an enabler of a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable world in the aftermath of one of the most serious economic crises in decades. Sweden is followed by Singapore and Denmark, which was in the number one position for the last three years.

  • SE: Värmland County: Grums’ municipality launches its electronic services

    On 19 February 2013 the director of Grums’ municipality, Ms Margaretha Rudner, launched the municipality’s electronic services on the common electronic services platform of Värmland county (in west-central Sweden).

    Thanks to this initiative the citizens of Värmland have now access to approximately 100 eServices, making it easier for them to handle their administrative matters. Karlstad municipality, another municipality in Värmland county has for some years been offering to its citizens access to electronic services. The most popular ones are those applying for preschool places, civil marriage and parking permits.

  • 'Swedish public data should be published in open formats'

    Swedish public administrations should publish their data in an open format, says Peter Krantz, a government IT worker, speaking under personal title. Krantz earlier this month launched a website,, showing whether public data is available or not, and listing data formats.

    "On I want to make visible how data is tucked away in the Swedish public sector. I hope this will result in more of this data becoming available", Krantz explains on the site.

  • AI used to monitor and optimise Swedish road infrastructure

    Computer vision and machine learning specialist, Univrses, will work with the Swedish Transport Administration to digitise and manage roadside infrastructure.

    Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration, is working with computer vision and machine learning specialist Univrses to help optimise the country’s road infrastructure management.

  • AO: Sweden grants ICT expertise in key development areas

    The Kingdom of Sweden confirms it will help Angola accelerate its economic growth through the use of information and communications technologies.

    On the sidelines of the Angola-Sweden workshop on "IT and digital economy sectors," Ewa Polano, the Swedish ambassador to Angola, said the two partners will mainly focus on education, finance, transports and the fight against corruption.

  • AU: Overseas policies put communities first

    Fibre-to-the-premises is helping develop e-health in remote parts of Sweden.

    Patients in remote parts of Sweden are seeing doctors more promptly, owing to the country’s nationwide broadband policy.

    Countries such as South Korea and Japan have seen soaring broadband take-up rates, but Sweden was one of the first countries to develop a comprehensive broadband policy focused on delivering community benefits. Sweden’s broadband take-up now rivals the Asian early-adopters, but it also has the most "digitally connected economy in the world", according to a World Economic Forum report.

  • AZ: Ambassador: “Sweden sees Azerbaijan as strategic ICT partner in Caucasus”

    Azerbaijani Minister of Communication and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov has met with Mikael Eriksson.

    According to Ministry, stressing the reforms in ICT sector, national and regional projects implemented, the ambassador noted that Sweden sees Azerbaijan as strategic ICT partner in Caucasus. According to Eriksson, Swedish leading companies are interested in investing in Azerbaijan and State Fund for IT Development, as well as techno park, to be established, will allow realization of these projects.

  • BW: e-Gov delegation in Sweden

    The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communication, Works, Transport and Technology left for Stockholm, Sweden on June 8, 2013, on an eGovernment Mission.

    The purpose of the mission is to benchmark on e-government strategies of the Swedish Model, as well as to share information on the current status of eGovernment in Botswana.

  • E-procurement and e-invoices in the public sector in Sweden

    In Sweden, a number of municipalities, county councils and government authorities have introduced electronic procurement/electronic commerce. In this context, electronic procurement means electronic orders/sub-orders in relation to a framework agreement and receipt of electronic invoices (ordering-invoice process).

    E-procurement has so far mostly been with EDI. But there is also a need of a complement with e-invoices separately for all those situations that we dont order electronically but that it would be good having an e-invoice. A standard for an electronic invoice, “Svefakturan” (or “Swed Invoice”) has been developed and is recommended for public sector and their suppliers. The SwedInvoice can also be used B2B. Some local authorities have started to receive e-invoices and the Swed Invoice. But this is all very new.

  • Framework agreement boosts public-sector digitisation in Sweden

    Swedish public sector procurement organisation creates a framework to make it easier for organisations to offer digital services

    Sweden’s legal, financial and administrative services agency, Kammarkollegiet, which suports public sector procurement, is investing in more flexible IT and digitalised services after signing a new framework agreement.

  • GE: Sweden allocates €1.5 million grant for Georgia

    The Government of Sweden has allocated a €1.5 million (3.3 million GEL) grant for Georgia’s Public Service Development Agency.

    Specifically, the money will be used by the Agency, a legal entity of public law operating under the management of the Ministry of Justice, to develop the services offered to those in Georgia’s central and rural areas.

  • IN: Delegation from Sweden hosts discussions on ‘Smart City and Innovation’

    The visit is expected to further strengthen the relationship between Sweden and India and pave the way for future cooperation in the field of smart cities and innovation, said a consulate press release.

    The Consulate General of Sweden in Mumbai, Vinnova, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Smart City Sweden, and Business Sweden India has organised a ‘Smart City & Innovation Road Show’ from February 14 to 17 in three cities in western India including Pune, Mumbai and Goa. The delegation comprises government agencies, Swedish companies, NGOs and academia.

  • IN: Kerala: Swedish city of Kumla to Give Kochi City a Push

    Swedish city of Kumla has decided to work together with Kochi city to focus on improving opportunities for both cities in fields such as education, drinking water, waste management, IT and e-governance, according to a press release sent out by the Kochi Mayor’s office on Friday.

    An agreement over this has been reached during the ongoing Sweden visit of the Kochi Corporation delegation, which includes Mayor Tony Chammany, opposition leader K J Jacob and education standing committee chairman R Thyagarajan who met Kumla Mayor Katarina Hansson and opposition leader Mats Hellgreen.

  • Keeping Current On Swedish Currency Vote

    When Swedish voters decide Sunday whether the country will join the European Monetary Union and adopt the Euro currency, observers will be able to watch the results in real time over the Internet using a system built by Init AB using Web services created and deployed on Cape Clear Software's Web Services platform.
  • Launch of the digital agenda for Sweden

    The Swedish Minister for Information Technology and Energy, Ms. Anna-Karin Hatt, presented her country's IT strategy entitled 'IT in the service of mankind - a digital agenda for Sweden', on 6 October 2011. It is an integrated strategy for the coordination of IT initiatives which aims to make the country the world leader in the use of digitisation opportunities.

    "The digital agenda for Sweden is now a broad and coherent strategy that focuses on how we can best use technology in the service of mankind," Minister Hatt said on the occasion of the presentation.

  • Mobile Government Swedish Style

    When it comes to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Swedish thrust is for an Information Society for all. There isn't a crystal clear definition of what this means, but the fact that Sweden for the last three years has been ranked first in the Information Society Index, shows that the course and pace of the thrust is about right.
  • Pooling software development returns control to Swedish municipalities

    Sambruk, an association of Swedish Public Administrations that jointly tackle software development projects based on open source, recently found that these applications are more innovative and more focused on the Administrations’ actual needs.

    Sambruk includes 100 of Sweden's 290 municipalities and several other governmental agencies. By collaborating on open source applications, they try to rid themselves of oligopolies and IT vendor lock-in, says Thomas Rosenfall, a PhD student at the Linköping University in Sweden. For many applications tailored to municipalities there are just two suppliers and until recently procurement policies obstructed open source solutions. This led to increasing costs for licences and maintenance, continues Rosenfall.

  • Schweden und Norweger bekommen biometrische Pässe

    Die beiden skandinavischen Länder zählen bei der Ausgabe von Pässen mit biometrischen Merkmalen in Europa zu den Vorreitern.

    Schweden und Norwegen haben im Oktober dieses Jahres begonnen, neue Pässe mit biometrischen Merkmalen auszustatten. Sie enthalten eine Smart-Card, auf der das Gesicht des jeweiligen Bürgers digital gespeichert ist. Damit sollen unter anderem Fälschungen erschwert werden. Die Pässe liefert Setec, ein Tochterunternehmen der Gemplus International SA. Derzeit dürfte es allerdings kaum eine Kontrollstelle geben, die mit den notwendigen Lesegeräten ausgestattet ist, um die Daten auszulesen. Laut Setec-Vice-President Tommi Nordberg ist es mit den entsprechenden Lesern künftig möglich, das digitale sowie das im Pass gedruckte Foto mit der jeweiligen Person zu vergleichen.

  • Schweden: City-Maut in Stockholm, Ablehnung in Deutschland

    Ab dem 1. August wird in der schwedischen Hauptstadt Stockholm die "Trängselskatt", die Gedrängelsteuer erhoben. Nach einem erfolgreich verlaufenen Pilotprojekt hatte sich die die Mehrheit der Stockholmer für diese Form der City-Maut ausgesprochen, die nunmehr in den Regelbetrieb übergehen wird. Zusammen mit der Londoner "Congestion Charge" gilt die "Trängselskatt" als technisches Vorbild für die mögliche Einführung einer City-Maut in deutschen Städten. In einer Umfrage des Hamburger Magazins Stern lehnten aber zwei Drittel der Befragten eine City-Maut in deutschen Großstädten ab.

  • Schweden: GPRS zur Patientenüberwachung

    Kommunikationsgerät soll Körperfunktionen beobachten

    Schwedische Krankenhäuser wollen in diesem Sommer mit einem ganz besonderen Service für ihre Patienten aufwarten: Über das Mobilfunknetz können kranke Menschen, die nicht stationär behandelt werden müssen, per GPRS überwacht werden. Dieser Service, genannt BodyKom, wurde von der schwedischen Telekommunikationsfirma TeliaSonera Sweden www.teliasonera.comin Zusammenarbeit mit Hewlett-Packard (HP) www.hp.comund der schwedischen Softwarefirma Kiwok www.kiwok.seentwickelt.

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