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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Public Private Partnership

  • Is India privatising governance through partnerships in public digital infrastructure?

    On 19 October, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that health IDs would be used for COVID-19 immunisation in India. Modi first proposed these IDs on Independence Day this year, when he launched the National Digital Health Mission—a scheme to provide a digital “health ID” to all of India’s citizens. Despite the scale and ambition of this programme, the NDHM is not supported by a legal or governance framework, and consequently invited much criticism about the Modi government’s policy-making process. The NDHM’s use for the administration of vaccines against the deadly pandemic will likely compel widespread participation. While the centre has consistently drawn criticism for introducing policies that threaten digital security before enacting a data-protection law, there has been little focus on two aspects of the digital infrastructure behind it—the India Enterprise Architecture and the National Open Digital Ecosystem.

  • ''Digitales Ruhrgebiet'' erhält Auszeichnung der Initiative D21

    Public Private Partnership-Award fördert Informationsgesellschaft in Deutschland

    Mit dem Projekt "Digitales Ruhrgebiet" (d-NRW) wurde die Idee ausgezeichnet, Kommunen eine einheitliche Plattform für elektronische Verwaltungsabläufe (eGovernment) anzubieten und so Interessen und Kompetenzen zu bündeln. Doppelentwicklungen, unterschiedliche Standards oder Parallelinvestitionen werden dadurch vermieden. Das PPP-Konstrukt wurde auf der Seite der privaten Anbieter von den Unternehmen Cap Gemini Ernst & Young und Cosinex gegründet. Die Initiative zu diesem Vorhaben ging von der Projekt Ruhr GmbH in Essen aus.

  • Africa: Public-private partnerships hold the key to future development

    For Africa to not just survive the current pandemic, but to thrive, investment into digital infrastructure is inevitable. Much-needed digital infrastructure and the resulting digital transformation will be an enabler of rapid development across the continent, positively impacting the most vulnerable communities.

    While digital transformation is certainly not a new discussion, the Covid-19 pandemic has abruptly accelerated the need for digital adoption. There’s an urgent need to invest in connecting communities and improving service delivery to citizens throughout Africa.

  • Are public-private IT partnerships doomed to fail?

    With public sector IT projects increasingly become a testing ground for unproven public-private finance initiatives, there is a real danger of short-term disappointment and long-term loans to service. So how should we manage the risks involved in delivering partnerships that offer real value for money?
  • Brunaie: Closer Private, Public Sector Ties Seen In Development Projects

    The deputy Minister at the Prime Minister's Office foresees closer cooperation between the public and private sectors in managing national development programmes.

    There will be a different pattern of ownership and a different pattern of funding for projects, said Dato Seri Paduka Eussoff Agaki Hj Ismail during yesterday's Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) Stakeholders Forum.

  • Building smart cities through 5G technologies, Public-Private Partnerships

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has highlighted the need for smart cities to leverage 5G technologies to improve public services, health, safety and sustainability due to its effect on the public’s mobility.

    From improving city management through e-governance, boosting business opportunities using artificial intelligence (AI) and the cloud, as well as helping create safer public spaces through smart cameras and police cars, smart cities are now a reality for many first-world countries and a model to emulate for developing nations.

  • Countries Serious About E-Government Need to Tap Private-Sector Support

    The use of information and communication technology in national economic development has become an important strategy for many governments.

    E-government is an application supported by good governance, and implemented through ICT to reach urban- and rural-based citizens, businesses and governments alike. This technology is no longer new and governments of all shapes and colors are trying to find innovative means and methods of applying ICT to service delivery, reduce internal costs and boost national economies, while at the same time utilizing public money for public programs.

  • eCH: Gemeinsam geht es besser

    Das Public-Private-Partnership eCH konnte sich im eGovernment in wenigen Jahren etablieren. Die eGovernment-Rahmenvereinbarung von Bund und Kantonen verpflichtet die Behörden, die Standards von eCH «massgeblich» einzusetzen. Als zweites Standbein will eCH die Standardisierung im Gesundheitswesen vorwärts bringen. Erfahrungen mit dem eCH-Standard der Versichertenkarte zeigen, dass politische Vorgaben und die Standardisierung nicht vermischt werden dürfen.

  • Erster PPP-Leitfaden

    Einen Prozessleitfaden für Public Private Partnership (PPP) hat die Initiative D21 zusammen mit der Bertelsmann-Stiftung sowie der Anwaltssozietät Clifford Chance Pünder erstellt. Der Leitfaden enthält eine Fülle konkreter Ratschläge zur Anbahnung und Umsetzung solcher Projekte. PPP ist in der 138-Seiten-Studie definiert als das "partnerschaftliche Zusammenwirken von öffentlicher Hand und Privatwirtschaft mit dem Ziel einer besseren wirtschaftlichen Erfüllung öffentlicher Aufgaben als bisher."
  • Fusionen im öffentlichen Sektor

    Auf der Konferenz "Public Merger" am 23. Januar 2003 in Hamburg dreht sich alles um das Thema Fusionen im öffentlichen Sektor.
  • GB: South East England: Slough: Partnership to save council more than £25m underway

    A public-private partnership that will save the council £26.5m over the next 10 years went live on Monday.

    Global business outsourcer Arvato won the contract to provide Slough Borough Council's services, including setting-up a shared services hub.

    The deal includes the transfer of 102 council employees and the company will deliver 'back office' services including revenue, payroll, finance and logistics.

  • Ghana’s e-government public-private partnership and the value of long-term strategies

    Most African countries have realized the importance of private investment and are experimenting with private sector partnerships for the construction, maintenance, and/or operation of capital intensive projects. Where they have succeeded, as with Ghana’s e-government public-private partnership (PPP), results benefit the entire society.

    In April 2010, the Government of Ghana signed a public-private partnership (PPP) contract to reengineer business registration processes, deploy state-of-the-art application software and hardware, and employ best-in-class solutions for the Ghana Revenue Authority and the Registrar General’s Office. This was part of a broader program to achieve greater efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in the delivery of selected government services using information and communications technology (ICT).

  • Global Public-Private Partnership for Good Governance

    A public-private partnership is a cooperative arrangement between public and private sector officials. The public sector encompasses national and sub-national governments and agencies, while the private sector encompasses for-profit corporations as well as non-profit organizations outside the public sector. A partnership between the public and private sectors establishes a formal mechanism for sharing information and resources and undertaking joint action. These partnerships can center on consultative mechanisms for policy formulation, oversight mechanisms for greater accountability, or contractual agreements for providing public services.
  • Hessen: Gemeinsame IT-Firma von Siemens und Stadt Wiesbaden

    Die deutsche Grossstadt Wiesbaden lagert ihren IT-Betrieb aus an eine Firma Wivertis. Diese Firma ist ein Joint Venture der Stadt Wiesbaden selbst (49.9 %) mit Siemens Business Services (50.1 %).
  • Hessen: Stadt Wiesbaden und SBS gründen Joint Venture

    Die Stadt Wiesbaden lagert ihre komplette IT an eine eigens dafür gegründete Gesellschaft aus, an der die Kommune und Siemens Business Services (SBS) beteiligt sind. Ein »Modellcharakter« für weitere Kommunen, hofft SBS.

    Mit einem so genannten Public Privat Partnership, also einem Joint Venture zwischen Firmen und öffentlichen Körperschaften, wollen Behörden ihre Aufgaben kostengünstiger und effizienter in die Hände von externen Dienstleistern legen. Ein solches Modell wählte die Stadt Wiesbaden für den Betrieb ihrer IT.

  • IE: Government may outsource some activities to private enterprise

    The Government has sanctioned a programme to evaluate options for outsourcing government activities to private enterprise.

    The Cabinet decision was taken in July.

    It is mentioned in a report from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on savings and efficiencies from public service reform to be published today.

    The report cites progress in cutting the public sector pay bill, e-government, legislative reform, performance measurement and implementation initiatives.

  • IN: e-Governance plans delayed on lukewarm response from private firms

    Lack of interest from private partners and slow implementation by State governments are forcing the Government to push back its common services centre (CSC) scheme.

    The scheme, under the Government's e-Governance Plan, was supposed to come up by December last year, but is now expected to be completed only by March 2013. The Government has already extended the deadline twice earlier.

    The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) has blamed some companies which had undertaken to set up these centres.

  • IN: PPPs and cities

    At a time when the country badly needs a huge infrastructure investment push, recommendations made by the Vijay Kelkar committee on revisiting and revitalising the public-private partnership (PPP) model, if acted upon quickly, could make a significant difference in encouraging more such projects. While the report deals with more prominent sectors like roads and ports, which have seen more PPP activity, this article is an attempt to focus on the urban sector - where too the generation of additional resources is actively dependent on having workable PPP projects. Both the 100 "smart cities" project with a central provision of Rs 48,000 crore over a five-year period and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) covering 500 cities with a central provision of Rs 50,000 crore call for substantial additional generation of resources if they are to succeed.

  • IN: The PPP route to smart urban living

    Private participation can ease the government’s burden, particularly in the case of small-scale infrastructure projects

    Small-scale infrastructure projects developed on public-private partnership (PPP) can expedite development of smart cities. Cities have limited resources and must engage the private sector to meet infrastructure and service needs. The private sector not only generates wealth and jobs, but also innovates and improves public delivery systems.

  • India: Govt to spend Rs 23,000 cr on e-governance

    The Government will spend a whopping Rs 23,000 crore on various e-governance initiatives and a part of the funds invested would be recovered through an innovative e-service tax to be paid by the users of the electronic governance, a senior official has said.

    ‘’The funds for the e-governance initiatives would be generated through Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) and the same would be recovered through e-service tax to be paid by the users,’’ official sources told UNI.

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