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Saturday, 23.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

OAS: Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten

  • OAS Assistant Secretary General Calls on Member States to Modernize Civil Registries

    The Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States ( OAS ), Albert Ramdin, called on governments in the region to make a priority the modernization of civil registries for their countries.

    Speaking at a conference on “Best Practices for Civil Registration” in Grenada, Ambassador Ramdin said OAS Member States should demonstrate political commitment to the initiative, which would not only ensure proper birth registration of all citizens, but also facilitate social and electoral inclusion.

  • OAS Co-organizes Ministerial Meeting on E-Government in Cartagena, Colombia

    The Organization of American States (OAS) will co-organize the Third Ministerial Meeting on E-Government and Eighth Meeting of the Network of e-Government Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red GEALC) to be held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on December 3-4, with the participation of almost a hundred ministers and officials from 26 countries of the region.

    The agenda of the meeting -which is co-organized with the government of Colombia and the Inter-American Development Bank- will focus on discussing progress, lessons learned and challenges of the region in e-government, and will address critical issues such as cyber security, open data, investment return and the measurement of impact of e-government projects, and the use of social media by governments.

  • OAS Launches eGobex, a Virtual Electronic Government Space for the Americas

    The Organization of American States (OAS), through its Secretariat for Political Affairs, launched a virtual space to promote the exchange of Electronic Government solutions for Latin America and the Caribbean: eGobex, at This platform facilitates the sharing of e-government solutions among countries of the region to support their processes of modernization.

    Thanks to this innovative tool, any government in the hemisphere will have access to a data base of solutions to e-government problems. In the same way, a government with a solution that can be adapted to other countries may place it in a data base and thus easily share with other countries in the region and the world its achievements in the area of electronic government.

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