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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

KG: Kirgisistan / Kyrgyzstan

  • SINAM completes e-government project in Kyrgyzstan

    Azerbaijan's SINAM has completed a project on creation of the e-archive of the documents of the Department of Cadaster and Registration of the Rights for Immovable Property of the State Registration Service under the government of Kyrgyzstan.

    According to sources in the Information center on ICT, the project which was launched in early 2012, is the last stage within the creation of the Automated Registration System for the Department of Cadaster of Registration of Rights for Immovable Property under the State Registration Service of Kyrgyzstan.

  • South Korea exports e-government expertise to Kyrgyzstan

    The United Nations, Brown University and the Brookings Institute have all recognized Korea's e-government system as one of the best in the world, and Korea has already helped seven other countries develop e-government master plans. Kyrgyzstan will be the next country to benefit from Korea's expertise, following the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries on a joint e-government project.

    The agreement, signed March 10 by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the Kyrgyz Ministry of Transport and Communications, mandates cooperation on educational and training programs that will enable Kyrgyzstan to introduce and operate its own e-government system.

  • South Korea to plan Kyrgyzstan state IT net

    Korea will assist Kyrgyzstan in setting up an e-government system to improve the country’s administrative efficiency and business environment, the Seoul government said yesterday.

    A memorandum of understanding, to be signed in Bishkek on Tuesday, calls for the countries to develop an implementation plan by May, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said. E-government refers to the use of IT networks to enhance public services and interaction with citizens and businesses.

  • We hope to create e-government in Kyrgyzstan - Alexander Avanesov

    “We hope to create e-government in Kyrgyzstan,” the UNDP Resident Representative in the KRG Alexander Avanesov stated at today’s welcome ceremony of the Citizen Service Center of the State Registration Service (SRS) in Osh city.

    According to him, the creation of the SRS Service Center, which will work on the principle of “single window” using modern information technology –is the way in the development of electronic government in the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • Will there be e-government in Kyrgyzstan?

    This is a government that uses information and communication technologies in its relationship with the recipients of public services. At the International Conference on e-leadership in Bishkek earlier this month, UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan, Alexander Avanesov, said that there are certain prerequisites for the establishment of e-government in Kyrgyzstan.

    According to the UN, Kyrgyzstan in 2012 took 99th place out of 190 countries on the index of e-government (EGDI). The relatively low position is explained by the low levels of online services and an imperfect telecommunications infrastructure. However, indices of human capital and e-participation of the population are quite high, according to the study.

  • World Bank: Digital resilience is key to post-COVID recovery in Eurasia

    The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated efforts to integrate electronic patient records into healthcare facilities across Kyrgyzstan

    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, some Eurasian nations were better prepared than others to respond to the crisis and ensure the delivery of essential public services-including healthcare and education. The key differentiator was their level of digital resilience. Estonia, a country that brands itself as 'the first fully digital republic' has the world's most advanced e-government along with a dynamic start-up community. Right at the onset of the pandemic, the government launched a global hackathon to incubate and scale practical solutions. Estonia's digital responses to COVID-19 were successful because of the country's digital maturity, including lessons learned from past experience.

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