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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Korea will assist Kyrgyzstan in setting up an e-government system to improve the country’s administrative efficiency and business environment, the Seoul government said yesterday.

A memorandum of understanding, to be signed in Bishkek on Tuesday, calls for the countries to develop an implementation plan by May, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said. E-government refers to the use of IT networks to enhance public services and interaction with citizens and businesses.

Seoul will pay 340 million won ($220,700) to help establish a blueprint with more detailed work to be discussed at a later date, the ministry said, adding the move may lead to new bilateral arrangements.

Kyrgyzstan, which gained independence from Russia in 1991, first established an IT initiative in 2002.

Korea’s e-government system has been praised by the UN, which placed it fifth in terms of readiness and capacity in 2005. Seoul has signed similar MOUs with Indonesia, Mongolia, the Dominican Republic, Senegal, Nepal, Peru and Kazakhstan.


Quelle/Source: JoongAng Dayly, 10.03.2009

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