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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

JM: Jamaika / Jamaica

  • JM: ICT Has Become an Engine for Economic Growth - State Minister Robinson

    Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Julian Robinson, says Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become engines for social and economic growth globally.

    “Their appropriate utilization can improve the lives of all Jamaicans and the vision is for Jamaica to utilize ICTs to attain developed country status by 2030. This will involve growth of the ICT sector and the application of ICT in all sectors and at all levels to achieve rapid and sustained development,” Mr. Robinson said.

  • JM: MSBM/RADA MOU gives rural farmers ICT boost

    On Friday June 21, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed formalizing the continuing Open Data in Agriculture initiative between the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) and Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM). The MOU explores Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled innovations to support the enhanced delivery of Agricultural Extension services to farmers across Jamaica. The agreement signals efforts to forge value-adding partnerships between Agriculture, Academia and the local technology community to benefit from the collective wealth of data, research resources and technical expertise resident between the public and private sectors and academia. Harnessing the synergy from these three constituents may play a significant national and economic development of which agriculture is one of the pillars.

  • JM: Parliament ICT Bound

    The operations and activities of the nation's Parliament are one step closer to being transformed, through the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

    Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Minister, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, has disclosed that the Ministry has received a formal submission and accompanying budget from the Clerk of the Houses of Parliament for the project’s consideration.

    The Minister was addressing the inaugural annual LIME Government Forum, at the Wyndham Kingston Hotel on October 30.

  • JM: Paulwell meets with E-Gov Board, ICT Advisory Council

    Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Hon Phillip Paulwell today held a joint meeting with newly-appointed members of the Board of Directors of E-Government Jamaica Ltd and the National Information Communications Technology (ICT) Advisory Council at which he outlined the tasks at hand for both bodies.

    “This administration's goal is to make the entire government online; to transform the level of service that government delivers to our people. E-Government is what will enable the Government of Jamaica to be a more efficient end user of ICT and to be more efficient, transparent, and effective,” Minister Paulwell said.

  • JM: Smart cities to boost crime fighting

    Jamaica’s runaway crime rate has served as impetus for the full transformation of Kingston into a smart city, fuelling high expectations that heavy investments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) will deliver positive results.

    “Smart cities will help with crime. It will help with the identification of criminals, will prevent the movement of criminals, [and] will track vehicles inside of areas and spaces where crime is heavy,” Director of Grid Modernization at the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS), Hugh Hamilton, touted in a Gleaner interview recently.

  • JM: Work in Progress on National Health Information System

    Jamaica is on its way to having a comprehensive national health information system (NHIS), which Health Minister, Hon. Dr. Fenton Ferguson, says will improve care quality by up to 40 per cent. Stakeholders held the strategic planning presentation of the draft plan of the NHIS and final consultation in Kingston on December 11, at the Medallion Hall Hotel.
  • JM: Young People in Spanish Town to Benefit From ICT and Entrepreneurial Training

    Approximately 120 young people from several Spanish Town communities will this year benefit from a programme designed to provide training in software and applications (apps) development and entrepreneurial skills.

    The project, dubbed: 'Spanish Town Software Techies Programme', was officially launched on Thursday (July 11) by Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Minister, Hon. Phillip Paulwell.

    Speaking at the function held at the newly-renovated computer room at the offices of the Spanish Town Citizens Against Gun Violence Coalition (STCAGV) in the Old Capital, Minister Paulwell gave his full endorsement to the initiative.

  • JM: Education Ministry Enhancing Technology in Schools

    Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Grace McLean, says the Ministry has been working to prepare students to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape.

    "The Ministry of Education recognises the role that technology plays in education and training and has taken steps to ensure its integration in the teacher-learner interaction. Our literacy and numeracy programmes and activities make use of technology and tools to enrich aspects of the learning environment,” she stated.

    Mrs. McLean was addressing the opening of the 5th international conference on technology in education and training, EduVision 2011, which got underway on December 1st at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston.

  • JM: Embracing ICT for national development

    With Jamaica's economy struggling under the burden of the global recession, as well as our own self-inflicted predicaments, the current period presents an opportunity to launch initiatives that will provide the basis for transformation towards a more diversified, innovation-inducing, export-driven, and resilient economy. But can we summon the collective diligence needed to navigate the turbulent waters of a knowledge-based society and a global digital economy in search of the seemingly elusive prize of social and economic development?

  • JM: Estonia helps Jamaica set up its first digital identity

    Estonia will be helping the country to establish the first fully-digitised government system in the region.

    Jamaica wants to establish the first fully-digitised government system in the region with help from digitally-advanced Estonia, it was announced.

    In a statement, the Jamaican government described the proposed National Identification System (NIDS) as being “poised to secure the future growth of Jamaica”. NIDS will provide citizens with a single source of trusted identification, and kickstart Jamaica’s e-Governance push.

  • JM: Finally, public sector efficiency programme to get moving

    The Government plans to establish 23 business registration kiosks across the island by 2016.

    As part of a public sector efficiency programme, for which US$31.6 million in loans has been secured jointly from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Chinese Government and the European Commission, 1,200 government employees are also to be trained in new procurement curricula.

    The five-year project aims to implement a new E-tendering software, establish a new technical office to enhance the oversight role of parliament and train 240 more internal auditors.

  • JM: Fiscal Services remade as ICT overlord

    The Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU) has initiated the transformation of Fiscal Services Limited (FSL) into the Government's top tech team.

    The Cabinet Office has directed all ministries, departments, agencies, and public bodies to submit their ICT programmes to FSL for strategic review, according to Fiscal Services' managing director, Leroy Cooke.

    Cooke says his agency will, from that review, coordinate the acquisition and deployment of ICT assets across the government service.

  • JM: Gov't implementing National Health Information Strategy

    The Government has started implementing the National Health Information and E-Health Strategy, ahead of the pilot phase of the Electronic Patient Administration System (e-PAS), geared at linking patients’ records to all medical facilities. Since October 2014, implementation of the system at the Santa Cruz and Darliston Centres of Excellence has resulted in 13,000 records being created. This was noted by Minister of Health, Dr Fenton Ferguson, while making his contribution to the 2015/2016 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representative, today.

  • JM: Gov't to use shared corporate services to reduce admin expenses

    The Government is moving to implement shared corporate services within the public sector, to reduce the cost of administrative functions and to improve efficiency.

    A shared corporate service represents the combining of service activities across different organisations, to improve efficiency and service delivery.

    Speaking on the Jamaica Information Service television programe, Issues and Answers, Director General of the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Programme (PSTMP) Veniece Pottinger-Scott said the shared services strategy will allow Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to concentrate on their core functions and responsibilities.

  • JM: Gov’t Facilitates US$8.5 Million Investment in BPO Project

    Jamaica is well on the way to meetings its target of doubling the size of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector by 2016.

    The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, through JAMPRO, and the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ), have facilitated a US$8.5 million investment project between the owners of Barnett Tech Park in Montego Bay, St. James, and Kier Construction for the building of a 50,000 square feet facility on Lot Three of the park.

    Speaking at the announcement and signing ceremony for the project, at JAMPRO’s New Kingston offices on Wednesday, November 27, Industry Minister, Hon. Anthony Hilton welcomed the development.

  • JM: Gov’t to Implement E-Tendering and Purchase System

    The Government is to implement an electronic tendering and purchase system this fiscal year as it continues its work to streamline operations within the public sector.

    The system will ensure a more transparent and efficient process in Government procurement.

    This and other activities are to be carried out under the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Programme (PSTMP), for which a sum of $652 million has been set aside in the 2017/18 Estimates of Expenditure.

  • JM: Goverment Embarks on Project to Enhance ICT Regulatory Environment

    Approximately $18.9 million has been set aside in the 2013/14 Estimates of Expenditure to enhance the Information and Communications Technology (ICT), regulatory environment of the country.

    The project, which gets underway this month, will be implemented by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, with funding support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). It is scheduled to end in October 2014.

    Among its key objectives are: the establishment of a modern island-wide telecommunications network with universal service for all Jamaicans and the wide deployment of broadband service; and creating an understanding of sector dynamics, which will enable the Government to facilitate future broadband deployment and adoption, while tailoring its market interventions to complement private sector investments.

  • JM: Government recruits CIO for e-Gov

    The Government has recruited the services of a top information technology executive to oversee the administration of its e-Government (e-Gov) agency.

    Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Phillip Paulwell, who made the announcement, said Canadian executive, Dr Louis Shallal will serve as chief information officer (CIO) for the agency.

  • JM: Govt using ICT as a Tool for Development - Paulwell

    Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining (STEM), Hon. Phillip Paulwell, has said that the Government is committed to providing Jamaicans with access to information communication technology (ICT) as tool for development.

    As part of the effort, the Ministry is partnering with the Education Ministry to grant access to thousands of students across the island.

    “We are trying to create a far more inquisitive and enquiring mind; somebody who can use the information that is so ubiquitous to enable growth and development for him or herself but more importantly, for our country," he stated.

  • JM: ICT and the census

    It is widely accepted that information and communications technologies (ICT) are an ever-important enabler of sustained economic growth. Within this context, the second goal of the ICT Sector Plan of Vision 2030 is that Jamaica's national development will be advanced by widespread adoption and application of ICT.

    As countries in the developed world push the ICT envelope to gain strategic advantage, what is emerging is what the Networked Readiness Index 2012 makes reference to: a 'hyperconnected' world. In a hyperconnected world, the Internet and its associated services are accessible and immediate, where people and businesses can communicate with each other instantly and where machines are equally interconnected with each other.

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