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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

GI: Gibraltar

  • Electronic Health Record for Gibraltar

    The Gibraltar Health Authority has reached an agreement with EMIS (Egton Medical Information Systems), a leading UK based company, for the provision of a full integrated electronic patient record for Gibraltar. This follows a tender process that started in November last year.

    The initiative will result in some aspects of health care becoming fully computerised by the early part of 2015, with an ongoing programme to cover most areas in eighteen months.

  • GI: A digital future without barriers

    It’s no secret that citizens do not enjoy having to visit to Government counters to conduct their administrative business. People work during Government business hours and businesses need to prioritise their time to be productive. Unfortunately, having to go to the ETB, tax office, licensing dept is a still an extremely cumbersome chore that can take up valuable amounts of your time.

    This is why eGovernment can be a game changer for Gibraltar.

  • GI: An important Step in the E-Registry Project: E-filing of accounts

    An important step in the E-Registry project at Companies House has been announced: It is the E-filing of accounts.

    Companies House says it has been a pioneer in Gibraltar in leading the way to enable the citizen to communicate with the records held at Companies House. The Company Profile has been available on line for more than twelve years. Users of the registry have now for two years been able to consult company records on line including all company accounts.

  • GI: Digital forms speed up job hunt processes

    Prolonged processing times at the Employment Department and Income Tax Office will be substantially reduced with the roll out of online digitised forms, the Gibraltar Government said yesterday. The new format will use the government’s new electronic identification cards to access the functions of the e-government portal and will launch together towards the end of June.

    The first phase will focus on the filling-in and payment of forms online. Neil Costa, Minister for Employment, said at a press conference at the Gibraltar International Airport’s Wessex Lounge that delays at government offices are due to an outdated system.

  • GI: E-Government goes live!

    HM Government of Gibraltar is delighted to announce that E-Government has now become a reality!

    Starting at 8am tomorrow, Tuesday, it will be possible for everyone to go on-line to pay their rent for Government housing, to book their car in for a Roadworthiness test and to check their lottery numbers. No-one will ever need to go to City Hall to check their place on the Housing List or to queue to book a Driving Test at the MOT Centre.

    ‘This is a landmark development in this Government’s term of office,’ said the Chief Minister. ‘’We are determined to make maximum use of all the latest technology to make life easier and more efficient for both businesses and the public alike.’

  • GI: Govt to roll out EU’s ‘most advanced’ ID cards

    The ‘most advanced’ electronic identification card in the European Union will be offered to the community, it was revealed by the Gibraltar Government at a press conference yesterday.

    Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister, said at the Gibraltar International Airport’s Wessex Lounge that the £1.36 million project will see the first card issued at the end of June.

  • GI: Housing bills go online

    The Gibraltar Government’s Housing Department has launched an online billing system in a bid to reduce paper waste.

    Every month the housing department prints around 5000 bills per month and tenants now have the opportunity to voluntarily apply for the new emailing method.

  • GI: Time to embrace E-Government

    The Government has announced that from today E-Government has become a reality. Well let’s put it in perspective: the start of E-Government has become a reality.

    I am an enthusiastic advocate for E-Government and E-Democracy and have written about it here on a number of occasions. So my only criticism of the announcement is that for a development that will revolutionise how Gibraltarians relate to their government the press announcement was, I am sad to say, rather sterile with no sense of excitement.

  • Gibraltar Puts Court Judgements Online

    The Gibraltar government has announced the launch a web portal to provide users with access to electronic copies of Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Privy Council judgements, as an enhancement to the existing Gibraltar Laws website.

    Announcing the launch, the government said that a total of 543 judgements have been put on the system but more will continue to be added as they become available. The earliest judgement available dates back to 1812 concerning a Privy Council ruling on land tenure.

  • Gibraltar’s Geoportal upgraded

    The Department of the Environment and Climate Change, together with the Information Technology and Logistics Department, has recently upgraded Gibraltar’s Geoportal.

    The Geoportal is comparable to products such as Google Earth and Apple Maps but is more interactive and contains additional environmental and geographic information that can be used by the public and businesses alike.

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