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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

CH: Schweiz / Switzerland

  • CH: E-ID: Federal Council adopts dispatch

    The Confederation's new electronic identity (e-ID) will enable users to identify themselves digitally in a secure, fast and uncomplicated way. At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the new Federal Act on Electronic Identity Credentials and Other Electronic Credentials (E-ID Act). The e-ID will be issued by the Confederation, will guarantee the greatest possible protection of personal data, and its use will be free of charge and voluntary. The Federal Council is proposing that the infrastructure required to operate the e-ID can also be used by cantonal and communal authorities and by private individuals and entities to issue electronic credentials.

  • CH: 11 cantons enable their voters residing abroad to vote online in March 2013

    As announced on 14 December 2012, the Federal Council approved the requests of 11 cantons to use an electronic voting system for their voters living abroad in the referendum of 3 March 2013.

    The following 11 cantons have already successfully tried their electronic voting systems: Bern, Lucerne, Fribourg, Basel-Stadt, Schaffhousen, St Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Neuchâtel and Geneva. This means that 161 947 voters residing abroad are given the opportunity to vote online; this number corresponds to 3.17 % of the total Swiss electorate (5.1 million voters) and to one-third of the maximum number of voters allowed to electronic voting (10 %), according to the Federal Ordinance of 24 May 1978 on Political Rights.

  • CH: Bern City Council battles IT vendor lock-in

    Politicians and City Council members of the city of Bern formed, on 26 April 2012, a group for Digital Sustainability that advocates the city's IT Department independence from of IT vendors and the introduction of solutions of long term sustainability.

    The new group also wants to make digital data publicly available in order to increase openness and make it easier for citizens to get involved in the city administration.

    "The Bern city council regularly considers requests for IT projects requiring millions for new hardware and software, or that involve renewing of existing applications", the Digital Sustainability Group said in a press statement via email. "The council is often faced with the challenge of having well-founded opinions regarding IT at the right time during the decision-making process."

  • CH: Cabinet pushes for electronic patient records

    The government is seeking to introduce an electronic platform to exchange information on patients as part of efforts to make the healthcare system more efficient.

    Interior Minister Didier Burkhalter said the creation of a legal basis was key for a success of electronic patient records.

    Participation in the electronic system should be voluntary for patients and health insurers would not have access, according to the proposals.

  • CH: Die E-ID soll das digitale Leben vereinfachen – der Bundesrat legt die Details vor

    Die Rollenteilung zwischen Staat und Privaten behält der Bundesrat in seiner Botschaft zum Gesetz über die elektronischen Identifizierungsdienste. Dafür stärkt er den Datenschutz und die Rolle des Bundes.

    Mehr Sicherheit und mehr Benutzerfreundlichkeit soll die elektronische Identität bringen, so die Hoffnung des Bundesrats. Die Nutzer einer solchen E-ID sollen bei Online-Shopping oder E-Government-Angeboten belegen können, dass sie eine bestimmte Person sind – und das mit einem einzigen Log-in.

  • CH: Digital identity scheme shot down by voters over data privacy concerns

    Voters in Switzerland have thrown out a law governing a proposed electronic identity system. The result is blow for plans by parliament and the government amid fears about data protection.

    Final results show 64.4% of voters coming out against the planned law on Sunday. The rejection rate among the cantons ranged between 70.7% and 55.8%.

  • CH: Draft legal bases for electronic patient files to be ready for consultation by September 2011

    On 3 December 2010, the Swiss Federal Council entrusted the Federal Department of the Interior with a mandate to elaborate by September 2011 the legal bases for the introduction of electronic patient files. Among other aims, this measure will seek to improve the quality of medical care while enhancing patient safety.

    The Swiss Federal Council officially adopted the Swiss eHealth Strategy on 27 June 2007. Since then, the strategy has been implemented collaboratively with the 26 Swiss cantons, the member states of the Federal State. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is expected to allow health professionals to access the pertinent health data of their patients, regardless of place and time. Access to such data will require the patients' consent.

  • CH: E-governance for building permits


    In 2019 nearly 50,000 construction projects for buildings were planned in Switzerland with corresponding investments of over Sfr46 billion. Before construction work can begin for any of these projects, a building permit procedure must be completed. In the canton of Bern alone, approximately 20,000 building permit requests are submitted annually. This involves about 350,000 postal deliveries and approximately 28 million pieces of paper.

    In a standard building permit procedure, numerous forms must be completed for the submission of a building permit request. In practice, forms are often missing or completed incorrectly.

  • CH: e-Health ist kein Wundermittel

    e-Health, also die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesen, schreitet nur langsam voran. Es wird noch Jahre dauern, bis die Patienten von diesem System werden profitieren können.

    Die Digitalisierung von Daten hat viele Vorteile. Kosten können gesenkt werden, die Daten sind schneller und besser zugänglich und können länger gelagert werden. Unlesbare Notizen von Ärzten, vergilbte Papiere und gealterte Röntgenbilder werden damit der Vergangenheit angehören.

  • CH: eFristverlängerung neu auch als App für Smartphones

    Den Steuerkunden steht neu die App «eServices VRSG» zur Verfügung. Das Kantonale Steueramt nutzt die App als Erweiterung zum bewährten eService VRSG | eFristverlängerung: Neu können die Steuerpflichtigen die Frist zur Einreichung der Steuererklärung direkt per Smartphone verlängern.

    Wenn in den nächsten Tagen die Steuerpflichtigen im Kanton St.Gallen brieflich daran erinnert werden, dass sie ihre Steuererklärung innert 14 Tagen einreichen sollen, macht sie das Kantonale Steueramt zugleich auf den Service der elektronischen Fristverlängerung aufmerksam. Neu ist dieser Service – zusätzlich zur gewohnten eFristverlängerung über die Website des Kantonalen Steueramtes – auch als App für Smartphones verfügbar.

  • CH: eGovernment action plan - First phase ready to launch

    The Steering Committee of the Swiss eGovernment programme has approved the first phase of the eGovernment action plan which promotes specific projects, from the geographic map of Swiss eGovernment to procedures for filing tax returns or notifying a change of address.

    At its session of 5 April 2012, the Steering Committee also took stock of progress in the implementation of the Swiss eGovernment Strategy which is well on the way; the Steering Committee acknowledged two new priority projects (listed in the catalogue of priority projects of the Strategy) as 'implemented'.

  • CH: EHR pilot project in Geneva receives highest certification for eHealth strategy compliance

    The 'e-toile' electronic health record (EHR), jointly developed by a private company and the canton of Geneva as part of a pilot project, has been awarded the highest possible certification by the eHealth Suisse Steering Committee, the federal and cantonal eHealth coordination body.

    The 'e-toile' is being piloted in four Geneva municipalities since February 2011 with the aim to network patients with healthcare sector stakeholders via a Medical Data Exchange Solution (MDES). Patients living in Bernex, Confignon, Onex and Petit-Lancy can now log on to the healthcare network 'e-toile' and create a personal EHR with participating doctors and pharmacists. The 'e-toile' pilot includes a portal for patients and for healthcare professionals, where clinicians and other providers can access patient records from across the canton through the MDES. Patients must first grant access to the records to specific healthcare entities, thus helping to ensure patient privacy.

  • CH: Evaluation of eHealth pilot projects can start

    The managers of the eHealth pilot schemes carried out in Switzerland can submit their pilots to the eHealth Suisse Secretariat in view of the assessment of their compliance with the recommendations for the implementation of pilot schemes in line with the Swiss eHealth strategy.

    Recommendations for the implementation of the Swiss eHealth Strategy are continuously issued by the eHealth Suisse Steering Committee since March 2009. On 2 September 2011, the same committee published both the concept and the guidance document for the evaluation of pilot schemes, therefore evaluations can start.

  • CH: First eVoting trials in federal elections carried out successfully

    Four cantons successfully conducted eVoting trials during the National Council elections held on 23 October 2011, marking the first time that pilots were carried out in a Swiss federal election.

    The trials involved 3 562 Swiss expatriates registered in the cantons of Basel-City, St. Gallen, Graubünden and Aargau. Approximately 22 000 people were eligible to vote by electronic means, which constituted 0.4 % of the 5.09 million qualified voters. Up to 53.1 % of Swiss expatriate voters registered in the cantons to participate in the trials made use of eVoting. Only expatriates residing in a EU Member State or a Participating State of the Wassenaar Arrangement can cast their vote electronically, which makes up about 90 % of this voter group.

  • CH: Geneva: Smart city leaders discuss human-centered urban development

    Global city leaders and experts met in Geneva, Tuesday, to discuss people-centered and climate-resilient urban development, highlighting the importance of aligning smart city initiatives with the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals, safeguarding human rights, enhancing social inclusion and advancing climate resilience strategies.

    At Smart City Leaders’ Talk, a high-level event co-organized by the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) and Global Cities Hub (GCH), multiple speakers including International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Deputy Secretary General Tomas Lamanauskas and Peggy Hicks, director of Thematic Engagement, Special Procedures and Right to Development at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), talked about the role of international organizations in smart city development.

  • CH: Kanton Zürich führt E-Voting-Test nicht fort

    Im Kanton Zürich endet mit dem Jahr 2011 eine über drei Jahre laufende Testphase (PDF-Datei) zum E-Voting. Der Regierungsrat des Kantons bewertet die Tests in 13 Gemeinden zwar als erfolgreich und strebt auch den flächendeckenden Einsatz für alle Stimmberechtigten an, verzichtet aber auf weitere Tests ab dem kommenden Jahr. "Ein weiterer Einsatz der für den Kanton Zürich betriebenen E-Voting-Installation wäre aufgrund auslaufender Verträge mit Neuinvestitionen und damit mit erheblichen Kosten verbunden", heißt es in einer Mitteilung. Stattdessen wolle Zürich zusammen mit dem Bund und anderen Kantonen das E-Voting weiterentwickeln und den Einsatz eines neuen Systems für ein flächendeckendes E-Voting prüfen.

  • CH: Luzern: Kriens: Smart city - added value of the population

    It is guaranteed that the digitization of communication will change the perception of our cities and communities for the better. Is your community already taking advantage of these positive aspects?

    Many areas in and around our lives are changing as a result of digitization. This includes the public sector such as the federal government, cities and municipalities. It is therefore hardly surprising that more and more smart city projects with unique solutions are emerging.

  • CH: More projects completed, revised framework agreement on the right track

    Six additional eGovernment projects have recently been put into operation in Switzerland. Moreover, the renewal of the 'Framework Agreement on eGovernment Cooperation' between the Confederation and the cantons is on the right track - it is expected to be submitted for approval to the Conference of the Cantonal Governments and the Federal Council by the end of 2011.

    At its session of 20 June 2011, the Steering Committee eGovernment Switzerland was informed of the progress in the implementation of the Swiss eGovernment strategy. On this occasion, it approved the completion of six eGovernment projects, two of which concern services: (1) the platform for company creation and (2) 'ASA 2011', eGovernment in agriculture.

  • CH: Neue E-Government-Projekte in Betrieb

    Neu sind in der Schweiz sechs weitere E-Government-Vorhaben zu mindestens 80 Prozent in Betrieb. Zudem wurden die nächsten Schritte zur Erneuerung der Rahmenvereinbarung zwischen Bund und Kantonen eingeleitet. Schwerpunkte darin bilden ein Aktionsplan zur gezielten Förderung einzelner Vorhaben wie auch eine Neuregelung der Finanzierung. Von diesen Resultaten und Plänen hat der Steuerungsausschuss E-Government Schweiz heute Kenntnis genommen.

    Der Katalog priorisierter Vorhaben ist ein wichtiges Umsetzungsinstrument der E-Government-Strategie Schweiz. Die 45 aufgeführten Vorhaben unterscheiden sich einerseits in den Leistungen, die den elektronischen Verkehr mit den Behörden für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen ermöglichen, und andererseits in den Voraussetzungen wie Infrastruktur und Standards, welche organisatorische oder rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen schaffen.

  • CH: New biometric residence permits ready 24 January

    Switzerland Monday 24 January begins issuing biometric residence permits to foreigners who are from outside the European Union or Efta (European Free Trade Association). Note for holders of residence permits: existing permits remain valid until the expiry date listed on them.

    The new biometric residence permits, used with a passport, give the holder free travel without a visa, throughout the Schengen area.

    The credit card size documents contain a biometric chip with data that will be stored for five years by the canton that issues it.

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