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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Six additional eGovernment projects have recently been put into operation in Switzerland. Moreover, the renewal of the 'Framework Agreement on eGovernment Cooperation' between the Confederation and the cantons is on the right track - it is expected to be submitted for approval to the Conference of the Cantonal Governments and the Federal Council by the end of 2011.

At its session of 20 June 2011, the Steering Committee eGovernment Switzerland was informed of the progress in the implementation of the Swiss eGovernment strategy. On this occasion, it approved the completion of six eGovernment projects, two of which concern services: (1) the platform for company creation and (2) 'ASA 2011', eGovernment in agriculture.

The other four are projects pertaining to the 'prerequisites', i.e. they cover infrastructure elements and the standards defining organisational and legal framework-conditions, namely:

  • Standardisation of personal data
  • National standard for the exchange of electronic files and documents
  • Electronic form service
  • SuisseID, the first electronic proof of identity at national level

The completion of such prerequisite projects is anticipated to greatly facilitate the current and future delivery of eGovernment services.

The Programme Office eGovernment Switzerland specified the strategic areas identified on 7 March 2011 by the Steering Committee in the frame of the draft revised Framework Agreement on eGovernment Cooperation. As a second step, the federal offices and the cantons will be asked to express their views during a consultation. The revised Framework Agreement will be submitted afterwards to the Conference of the Cantonal Governments and the Federal Council for approval, presumably by the end of 2011.

As regards the collaboration between the Confederation and the cantons in the field of eGovernment beyond 2011, one of its main elements lies with the certainty of a joint funding basis, which will notably apply to the action plan, a new implementation tool which will comprise short, middle and long-term measures relating to a number of priority projects. Another novelty is that the Programme Office eGovernment Switzerland will be co-funded by the cantons and the Confederation (instead of the Confederation only, as has been the case until now). The draft action plan for 2012 will be presented to the Steering Committee during Fall 2011.

Lastly, the Programme Office informed the Steering Committee of additional related projects that it is tasked to set up complementarily to priority projects in collaboration with government and industry partners in order to further support the implementation of the eGovernment strategy. Some of these projects are currently under preparation and they include a guide on the implementation of public-private partnerships (PPP) in the field of eGovernment, as well as a study on Public Administration and cloud computing. A first assistance brochure entitled 'eGovernment for the communes' has already been published that contains general information, a list of contacts and a detailed guide on the realisation of eGovernment projects at local level.

Background information

The Programme Office eGovernment Switzerland is an administrative unit of the Steering Committee and it is tasked with the coordination of the Swiss eGovernment Strategy.

The 'Framework Agreement on eGovernment Cooperation in Switzerland' governs the common approach taken by the Confederation, the cantons, and the municipalities in their implementation of the eGovernment Strategy Switzerland for the years 2007 to 2011.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 18.07.2011

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