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Montag, 30.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Having faced high-profile antitrust cases in both the U.S. and European Union (E.U.), Microsoft may not immediately spring to mind as governments' favored friend. So it is perhaps not surprising that the software giant has waged a quiet campaign in recent months to change its image from that of monopolist to "good corporate citizen."

Weiterlesen: Microsoft courts governments in strategy shift

Imex Systems has launched its community portal software and suite of e-services, iCity, which allows for community collaboration, information, communications and electronic services delivery by municipal governments. The iCity suite is specifically designed for small and medium-sized cities to enable residents to take advantage of electronic service delivery at any time — day or night. With iCity, registered users will have a single sign-on and integrated on-line payment system for all e-services.

Weiterlesen: Imex launches e-government software

"Accenture and Microsoft are working together to assist governments in their aspiration to be more efficient, saving time and money while at the same time targeting government resources on measurable results that citizens value," said Mark Younger, partner in the government operating unit at Accenture.

Weiterlesen: Microsoft Offers 'Solution Blueprints' for Public Sector

Having faced high-profile antitrust cases in both the U.S. and European Union (E.U.), Microsoft may not immediately spring to mind as governments' favored friend. So it is perhaps not surprising that the software giant has waged a quiet campaign in recent months to change its image from that of monopolist to "good corporate citizen."

Weiterlesen: Microsoft courts governments in strategy shift

Europäische Kommission fördert Innovationsprojekt RISER

Unter dem Titel RISER (Registry Information Service on European Residents) realisiert ein internationales Konsortium unter Führung der PSI AG die europäische Meldeauskunft als einen der ersten transeuropäischen eGovernment-Services. Der grenzüberschreitende Auskunftsdienst ermöglicht den einheitlichen Online-Zugriff auf Melderegister in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern nach höchsten Sicherheitsstandards. Unternehmen und Bürger werden in Zukunft mit RISER eine der am häufigsten nachgefragten öffentlichen Dienstleistungen über das Internet einfach, sicher und kostengünstig abrufen können. Bereits im Sommer soll der Pilot-Betrieb zwischen Deutschland, Österreich und Irland beginnen. Die Europäische Kommission unterstützt RISER mit rund einer Million Euro im Rahmen des eTEN-Programms.

Weiterlesen: PSI realisiert europäische Meldeauskunft

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