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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

MA: Marokko / Morocco

  • First edition of the African Smart City Pedagogical Fair in Morocco

    For the first time, the Smart City Fair will be inaugurated in March 2023 in the city of Casablanca in Morocco, with the aim of presenting more concrete solutions and innovations for the future

    The Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Hassan University of Casablanca will host the first edition of the ''Salon PedagogicAfrica Smart City''. The event will be held from 15 to 17 March 2021 under the theme ''Moroccan engineering at the service of the smart city''.

  • Moroccan PM Calls for Speeding National E-Integration

    Morocco’s Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani called for establishing a national e-strategy which promotes the integration of digital technology for the African country to catch up with world countries, after its rank slid in the latest United Nations e-government survey.

    In the UN E-Government Survey 2018, Morocco ranked the 110th out of 193 countries vetted worldwide. Before, Morocco ranked 85th.

  • Morocco embraces digital transformation, but pace is slow

    Morocco has set out an ambitious national strategy “Maroc Digital 2020” (Morocco Digital 2020) in a bid to boost the development of the digital economy sector, but several obstacles are still hindering its acceleration.

    The government’s Maroc Digital 2020, which is the continuity of the impetus created by the previous national strategy "Maroc Numeric 2013", seeks to reinforce the North African country’s position as a regional digital hub and enhance its digital skills and governance.

  • ‘Rethinking Smartness Concept’: Casablanca Smart City’s 8th Edition to Kick Off on June 5

    The event will discuss several themes in a context marked with challenges such as land scarcity, water stress, energy consumption as well as climate change.

    WeCasablanca, a branding initiative dedicated to promoting Casablanca’s assets, announced that the eighth edition of Casablanca Smart City will kick off on June 5-6.

    This year’s edition will discuss the theme “From Smart Citizen to Smart Metropolis,” serving as a platform to highlight the importance of urban development aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • AE: Moroccan government delegation familiarized with Dubai's leading eGovernment experience

    A Moroccan government delegation has recently visited Dubai eGovernment Department to be familiarized with Dubai Government's leading eTransformation experience through the applications of the Government Resources Planning (GRP) Systems as well as the other applications used for connecting all government departments via a comprehensive network that unifies procedures while maintaining the privacy of each department. The meeting also highlighted Dubai eGovernment's distinguished experience in managing human resources.

    The Moroccan delegation was headed by H.E. Mohamed Saad Alami, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in Charge of the Ministry of Public Sector Modernization, Morocco. During the meeting with Dubai eGovernment officials, which saw the presence of H.E. Ahmed Al Ismaili Al Alawi, Consul-General of Morocco in Dubai, and Ali Hassan Aljawi, Expert HR Programs at the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, Dubai eGovernment showcased its experience in leading eTransformation in Dubai, which succeeded in establishing a knowledge-based economy in the emirate.

  • Government offices in Morocco catch the technology bug

    More of Morocco's public servants are gaining access to the internet and advanced technology, but a recent survey found that a fully wired government remains an elusive goal.

    Morocco's public sector is increasingly wired with information and communications technology (ICT) but faces challenges in equipping and supporting employees, a recent survey showed.

  • Idemia to supply biometric ID cards to Morocco for online services and transactions

    The new biometric national ID smartcard for Morocco will be supplied by Idemia, which announced the deal to supply the e-ID cards for authentication to online services in support of the development of the country’s digital economy.

    Under the contract signed with Morocco’s Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale (National Security Government Department – “DGSN”), Idemia will provide the cards for use with online services and transactions, along with a platform for secured digital identity online services. This will enable government agencies and private online service providers to tap into the new digital identity system to provide Moroccans with user-friendly, fast, and secure access that safeguards the privacy of their personal data on the e-ID cards, according to the announcement.

  • Improving community access to ICT in Morocco

    One-day training of trainers on community access to ICT, jointly organized by UNESCO and the Department of Post, Telecommunication and New Technologies (Moroccan Ministry of Industry, Trade and New Technologies), took place today in Rabat. This training aimed to improve the capacities of coaches from Multimedia Centres to guide users of the centres to access Moroccan e-services.

  • Improving Public Administration Performance in Morocco

    Despite recent economic gains, Morocco’s social indicators lag behind those of comparable countries, due to weak public service delivery. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is working with the government to improve public administration, making it leaner, more focused, and more efficient in the delivery of social services.

  • MA: Casablanca Smart City 2024 Focuses on Citizen Participation and Sustainable Urban Development

    The inaugural day of the Casablanca Smart City 2024 event, organized by Casablanca Events & Animation, featured yesterday engaging discussions and workshops centered around the theme “From Smart Citizen to Smart Metropolis.”

    The event, aimed at professionals, provided a platform to showcase, exchange ideas, conduct strategic reflections, and propose concrete operational solutions to address the challenges of rapid metropolization, exacerbated issues such as water stress, energy consumption, scarcity and complexity of land, and the encroachment on agricultural land.

  • MA: Ministry of Transport Launches Traffic News Application

    The Ministry of Equipment, Transport and Logistics has launched “MarRoute”, a mobile application designed to provide commuters and passengers with information and news regarding traffic.

    In a communiqué released on Tuesday, the ministry said that the application, which informs users about road conditions, is a part of its strategy to ensure the safety of it commuters and passengers.

  • Moroccan E-health Platform, DabaDoc Expands to Algeria and Tunisia

    Morocco-based startup, DabaDoc, a service that allows people book doctors’ appointments online, has expanded to Algeria and Tunisia.

    With the expansion, DabaDoc now supports over 2,000 doctors in the three countries.

    Founded in 2014 by siblings Zineb and Driss Drissi Kaitouni, the platform features doctors in 72 different specialties across 50 cities, enabling thousands of patients to connect with doctors through the website.

  • Moroccan Ministries Launch Citizen Complaint Platform to Improve Administrative Services

    Moroccans will soon be able to file complaints about the country’s public administrations using Chikaya, a round-the-clock service for tracking complaints by citizens.

    Following an agreement signed on Thursday, the Ministries of Industry and Reform of the Public Administration and Civil Service will launch the platform, called Chikaya, in January 2018, aiming to improve satisfaction with the services of the kingdom’s public administration.

  • Morocco - AfDB Approves 66 Million Euros for Public Administration Support Programme

    The African Development Bank (AfDB) will support the third phase of Morocco's Public Administration Reform Support Programme (PARAP III) with a € 66 million loan approved on Wednesday in Tunis, by the Bank's Board of Directors.

    The Programme aims at achieving four key objectives: Strengthen public finance management, improve efficiency in human resources management, control the civil service wage bill and streamline procedures and introduce e-government. The overall goal is to promote strong economic growth and sustainable development, thereby strengthening the competitiveness of the economy while ensuring medium-term macro-economic viability.

  • Morocco counted 28.8 million land phone, mobile users in 2009, official data

    There were around 28.8 million land phone and mobile users in Morocco in 2009, official figures said.

    According to data included in Morocco's candidacy for the International Telecommunications Union Council's elections held in Guada la Jara (Mexico), the mobile phone network reached 25.3 million in 2009 while the number of users of land phones was estimates at 3.5 million with a coverage rate of 92.46%.

  • Morocco e-government plan faces obstacles

    While Morocco has taken some steps towards e-government, only a third of civil servants even have access to a computer.

    Morocco's e-government programme is only in its first year but it still has a long way to go.

    Just 31% of government departments are computerised, according to a government study released December 16th. There is only one computer for every three civil servants. Internet connectivity is no more than 60%.

    "Administrative departments provide 208 electronic services, 47% of which are available in Arabic. The number of civil servants working in this area represents only 1.19% of the total. On average, they receive three days of training. Further efforts need to be made on this issue. There is more work to do to meet the challenge," said Public Sector Modernisation Minister Mohamed Saâd Alami.

  • Morocco king calls for public administration reform

    Morocco is making progress in e-government sector but lags behind some countries in Mid­dle East and North Africa.

    Moroccan King Mohammed VI called for the reform of public administration in an address at the opening of the autumn session of the new parliament, a week after the legislative elections.

    “True commitment to political and party principles means one should put the citizen above all other considerations. It means one should fulfill the promises made to the citizen and show dedication in serving him or her, making those promises prevail over any party or personal interests,” the king said.

  • Morocco publishes century of legal records online

    In a move towards greater access to legal texts in Morocco, the Secretariat General of the Government of Morocco (SGG) has published the complete legal texts of its Official Bulletins (OB) online in both Arabic and French.

    The database, which can be accessed through the Secretariat General's website at www.sgg.gov.ma, compiles all legal texts published since 1913, covering a period of more than 93 years.

  • Morocco pushes ahead with 'Maroc Numeric 2013'

    A strategy for improving Rabat's e-government includes setting up 89 new online services by 2013, with 15 of them going live by 2011.

    Morocco is pressing forward with the e-government strategy that focuses on greater integration and wider use of information technology in public services.

    The "Maroc Numeric 2013" strategy, launched at the behest of Trade and Industry Minister Ahmed Reda Chami, includes a roadmap for setting up 89 new online services by 2013, with 15 of them going live by 2011.

  • Morocco set to boost e-government

    Morocco is set to boost e-government which has become a "strategic objective for the economic and social development of the country, according to Prime Minister Driss Jettou.

    Morocco cannot stay on the fringes of the universal digital society because it would affect its competitiveness and development efforts, said Jettou at the opening of the annual national forum of e-administration "e-forum 2005."

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