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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Global eGovernment

  • Ein steiniger Weg zum Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft

    Bis zum Jahr 2010 soll überall auf der Welt ein Zugang zum Telekommunikationsnetz bestehen. Bis 2005 sollen alle Unis und Krankenhäuser Netzzugang haben, bis 2010 alle weiterführenden und bis 2015 alle Grundschulen. Bereits 2010 soll jede Regierung per E-Mail erreichbar sein und Mitte des zweiten Jahrzehnts sollen 90 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung an ein Funknetz angeschlossen sein.
  • Global e-government

    UK citizens respond warmly to e-government over TV | Federal and State Web sites in the US are starting to take security and privacy more seriously .
  • Global e-government

    Seven constituencies in Ireland to use electronic voting in the Nice referendum | Critics of the US draft 'cyber security' plan say the scheme lacks bite
  • Global e-government

    An IDA report has recommended that European administrations re-use each other's software | Analysts say the US is not making the most of its IT budget.
  • Global e-government

    UK to develop electronic platform for land and property information management | Yemen begins USD60 million e-government initiative
  • Global e-government

    Singapore has won the e-government award at this year's Stockholm Challenge | The Czech Republic is in the process of setting up a Ministry for Informatics
  • Global e-government

    The US government is planning to develop a system to monitor the Internet's performance | The UK's Neighbourhood Renewal Unit has launched a Web site
  • Global e-government

    St. Louis law enforcement agencies cooperate for regional crime database | Oman to institute national ID program based on smart cards
  • Global e-government

    US national security could be at risk, due to outmoded government IT security methods | The Australian Bureau of Statistics will put the 2006 census on-line
  • Global e-government

    US national security could be at risk, due to outmoded government IT security methods | The Australian Bureau of Statistics will put the 2006 census on-line
  • Global e-government

    Use of e-government services is on the rise, according to TNS | US politicians have failed to make use of the Internet in their recent election campaigns
  • Global e-government

    Most US government agencies failed a recent review of their computer security | Germany will meet its 2002 e-government targets
  • Global e-government

    US government to establish an IT 'National Guard' | Voters in Austria were able to get recent election results delivered to their mobile phones
  • Global e-government

    Most Irish public sector professionals say a lack of strategic direction is a barrier to e-government | Harrow residents can text complaints to London authorities
  • Global e-government

    US anti-terrorism e-mail alert system is put on hold due to information overload | Schwaebisch Hall in Germany is switching from Microsoft to Linux
  • Global e-government

    The UK government is sticking to its target of providing all services on-line by the end of 2005 | The Internet will play a key role in South Korean elections
  • Global e-government

    Survey finds that UK government Web sites are failing to attract visitors | The US government could spend over USD5 billion on e-government initiatives by 2007
  • Global e-government

    A new school in England is to use retinal eye scanning technology to identify pupils | The EU is launching a centralised fingerprint database for asylum seekers
  • Global e-government

    The adoption of e-government in the UK is not likely to take off for at least ten years | The majority of politicians in Germany have an on-line presence
  • Global e-government

    Dubai is on a par with some of Europe's leading proponents of e-government | A Dutch TV programme is combining election polling with interactive television
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