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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

AU: Australien / Australia

  • Australisches Hauptstadt-Territorium bevorzugt Open Source

    Im australischen Hauptstadt-Territorium wurde ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Behörden verpflichtet, Open-Source-Software zu bevorzugen.

    Damit reiht sich das Hauptstadt-Territorium in die Reihe der Länder ein, die Open Source per Gesetz den Vorzug geben. In Australien ist es das erste Land, doch könnte es eine gewisse Signalwirkung haben, denn die Regelung wird in vielen Ländern kontrovers diskutiert.

  • ‘Massive’ $224 billlion boost to Australian economy from investment in digital transformation: report Featured

    There will be a massive $224 billion economic dividend for the Australian economy by turbo-charging investments in digital transformation, according to new economic analysis just published for the first time.

    The economic benefits are revealed in a report produced by IBRS and Insight Economics and commissioned by enterprise software firm TechnologyOne and quantify for the very first time the $224bn economic opportunity that can be unlocked if the public and private sectors embrace new innovations and replace redundant IT platforms with next-gen Software as a Service (SaaS) technology.

  • Aussies fuel boom in use of Internet-connected devices: Telsyte

    By 2019 the average Australian household will have around 24 Internet-connected devices - up from nine devices in 2015 - and we will spend $3.2 billion on connected devices and services by the end of the decade, according to newly published research from analyst firm Telsyte.

    Telsyte says the almost 11-fold growth in Internet-connected devices and services over the next four years – detailed in the fourth edition of its infographic style report book, Digital Nation – shows that Australians are increasingly comfortable using and adapting to new technologies.

  • Australia bucks global decline in public sector IT, technology spending

    Australia is bucking the global trend in declining public sector spending on IT and technology products, with federal, state and local governments here forecast to grow by 5.8% to $10.8 billion by the end of this year, and to almost $12 billion by 2019.

    And, across the Tasman, New Zealand public sector technology spending is forecast to grow 2.5% to almost NZ$1.65 billion this year, growing to more than $1.8 billion by 2019.

  • Australia developing 21st century electronic health record system

    Australia is revamping its personalized My Health Record system for patients and doctors as part of a $485-million package to deliver a new electronic medical record system.

    “A functioning national electronic medical records system is essential to ensure doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare providers across the country had instant access to the information needed to treat patients safely and efficiently without having to gamble on unknowns in their medical history,” said Minister for Health Sussan Ley.

  • Australia Stops Being a MaaS Laggard

    The smart city concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has had a relatively slow take-up in Australia, probably because of the country size and population density.

    Australians rely on their vehicles to travel longer distances, and public transport infrastructure lags far behind Europe’s. Ridesharing companies gained some traction but mainly at the expense of established taxi operators.

  • Australia's first digital hospital opens

    Australia's first hospital with fully integrated, digital eHealth capability opened on Monday in the northeastern Queensland state, the Department for Health said.

    St Stephen's Private Hospital, operated by UnitingCare Health in Hervey Bay, has been created by expanding the regional hospital with a new, three-story inpatient hospital with 96 acute care beds and three additional operating rooms.

  • Australian Computer Society rejects government's 457 visa fix

    A decline in undergraduates studying information technology and a skills shortage, rather than the overuse of 457 visas, was the issue facing the IT industry, The Australian Computer Society said yesterday.

    The ACS yesterday said the government had “misplaced” its energies following last week’s passing of new law that claims to tighten the use of 457 visas to fill skill shortages in Australia with overseas workers.

  • Bad quality data costing Australia’s healthcare industry millions

    Greater adoption of the global GS1 System of supply chain standards and the National Product Catalogue (NPC) has the potential to significantly improve data quality and bring about savings of anywhere between $30 million and $100 million a year for Australia’s healthcare industry, according to a newly published report.

    The Australian Healthcare Industry Data Crunch Report reveals the impact of inaccurate and inconsistent data across the Australian healthcare industry and the effect on patient safety.

  • Changes to Australia’s privacy law remove ban on biometric data for crime-fighting

    Under changes to Australia’s privacy law, facial scans taken for passports, drivers’ licenses, or nightclub entry can now be kept in law enforcement and spy agency databases, The Herald Sun reports.

    The Gillard Government’s new privacy legislation has removed the ban on biometric data being handed to crime-fighting agencies. Officials suggest the lifting of this ban could be of immense benefit in fighting crime.

  • Fastly’s appointment to the Australian Government’s Digital Transformation Agency cloud marketplace underscores commitment to serving the Australian public sector

    Fastly, a global edge cloud platform provider, today announced it has been appointed to the cloud marketplace (CMP) managed by the Australian Government's Digital Transformation Agency (DTA), reducing barriers to working with government departments and agencies.

    The CMP is a digital sourcing arrangement for cloud services and cloud consulting. The CMP can be used by federal, state and territory governments in Australia, as well as Australian higher education providers and other organisations.

  • How new technology is changing access to health care in Australia

    From a smartphone app that scans your vital signs to doctors treating their far distant patients through "face time" on their tablets or computers, technology is changing the way thousands of Australians access health care.

    General Practitioner Ashley Collins is stationed more than 1000 kilometres from his patient but he can get a blood pressure reading without laying a hand on the company director.

    Using a video link and a portable machine owned by the patient he can measure blood glucose, pulse rate, body temperature, cholesterol and even get an ECG measurement.

  • Low sign-up for Australian eHealth records

    Less than 2 per cent of Australians have signed up for an eHealth record in the year since its launch, and the Australian Medical Association says most of those records would be unused and blank.

    The AMA supports the idea of the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system, but president Steve Hambleton said the current system was flawed because GPs and hospitals could not easily access and enter information in the system.

  • Philippine Digital Healthcare System Boosted with Australian Partnership

    Collaborative studies in science and technology have the potential of easing the burden as well as producing more impressive results. That may not be more applicable than these days with countries being deeply impacted by the onslaught of the virus. The Philippines is partnering with a premier Australian institute to do joint research and upgrade its digital health system with the latest tools in ICT. According to the DOST, the new partnership with RMIT is for scientific cooperation.

    The Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia have agreed to work together on digital health programs. This should provide needed results given that the collaboration is planning to use the latest emerging technology.

  • Telstra Health to Roll Out Digital Health Services for Australians Featured

    Telstra this week launched the Telstra Health, marking the service provider's foray into digital health services, a segment that is expected to take off in a big way on the back of 3 major drivers - increasing demand for health care services in particular specialist services in remote areas and home care services, the widespread adoption of virtual mediums for day-to-day communications and most importantly, the growth in the M2M connected health sector where manufacturers and IoT platform providers are rolling out remote monitoring services to keep track of one's health and well-being.

    With service providers expanding their digital services portfolio, digital health or eHealth stands out as one of the verticals that is able to make a huge difference in the customer's well-being. In his statement, Telstra's Group Executive of Retail, Gordon Ballantyne said that the spending on healthcare in Australia is growing at twice the rate of its economic growth and makes up nearly 10% of its GDP. By 2020, the healthcare spending is expected to hit USD200 billion. Similar scenarios are expected in other regions, specifically in more developed countries as dependence on modern medicine and healthcare facilities and at the same time, increased awareness of health increases the frequency of visits and consultations at hospitals, clinics and healthcare centers.

  • UnitingCare opens Australia’s first digital hospital in Queensland

    Australia’s first fully integrated digital hospital officially opened yesterday in Queensland with expectations that it will transform healthcare across the nation.

    Run by UnitingCare Health, the $96 million St Stephen’s Hospital at Hervey Bay is the first local hospital to computerise everything from diet to dialysis and integrate its operations, equipment and services. It includes more than 300km of fibre-optic cable.

    The Australian reported on the hospital’s development earlier this year.

  • “Urgent” mobile need in Australian state government, exclusive poll finds

    There is an “urgent” need for mobile services in the Australian state government of Victoria according to 89% of IT officials in the region, an exclusive FutureGov survey has found.

    FutureGov polled the 130 regional CIOs and senior public officials who attended the FutureGov Forum, Victoria last week, and asked them “how important/urgent is your need for mobile solutions?”

  • $1.08b Australian wireless internet plan

    Australian Federal Communications Minister Helen Coonan has announced a $A958 million ($NZ1.08 billion) plan to to build a wireless internet network in regional Australia.

    Opel, a joint venture between Optus and Elders, had been awarded funding from the Broadband Connect Infrastructure Program to build the network.

  • 2012 Will Witness E-Health Record System in Australia

    The Department of Health and Aging, Australia, has joined hands with Accenture, Oracle and Orion Health for helping them in the designs and also for implementation of the country’s Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) system.

    The e-health system would cover all the Australia’s health systems in which patient all health records would get merge and a single record would be maintained. The system took two years to be established at the cost of $466.7 million. The system would give patients freedom to maintain their records, access them whenever they want. Doctors would also be able to take more firm decisions due to access to all health summaries, medical data and this would also ensure less medical errors.

  • 60 Health Software Experts fly to Sydney to progress Australian eHealth

    Medical software industry leaders have arranged to fly to Sydney to help the Government resolve the technical issues associated with the Healthcare Identifiers program.

    Over 60 CEOs are meeting in Sydney on Monday to resolve the remaining technical issues for the Australian Governments key Healthcare Identifiers Service. The intent is to help the government meet its deadline to launch this ground breaking eHealth initiative on 1st July.

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