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Transforming Government since 2001
The Department of Health and Aging, Australia, has joined hands with Accenture, Oracle and Orion Health for helping them in the designs and also for implementation of the country’s Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) system.

The e-health system would cover all the Australia’s health systems in which patient all health records would get merge and a single record would be maintained. The system took two years to be established at the cost of $466.7 million. The system would give patients freedom to maintain their records, access them whenever they want. Doctors would also be able to take more firm decisions due to access to all health summaries, medical data and this would also ensure less medical errors.

Accenture was selected as the National Infrastructure Partner for the development of the PCEHR system after witnessing their success record in Singapore’s national electronic health record. Accenture, Oracle and Orion Health would develop internet portals for easy public access and also for health care specialists. It would also provide complete access details in which a person could know who has access his medical record and at what time and date.

The nations’ telecommunications provider will provide a cloud-based hosting model. And, the system would be ready for registrations for all by July 2012.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Isaac Zandonda

Quelle/Source: NewsPoint Africa, 19.08.2011

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