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ICEDEG 2016 - 2016 Third International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment
From Wednesday, 30. March 2016 -  08:00
To Friday, 1. April 2016 - 17:00
Hits : 1204
Third International Conference on e-Democracy & e-Government (ICEDEG 2016) addresses the main issues of web-based knowledge management for society and science. It covers technical and non-technical aspects of eSociety, eGovernance, eParticipation, eDemocracy, eGovernment and eHealth, among others.

The scientific program consists of research papers, panels, and tutorials. In addition to the scientific program, an industrial track is planned to enforce the knowledge transfer between universities and industry. The industrial track will provide a platform for posters, demonstrations, and case studies.

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Location Quito, Ecuador
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