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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Is there more to a bench than simply a seat? Imagine a bench that is accessible and welcoming to all people, one that can learn and change to meet the needs of its users. The issue then arises, how might these seats alter our perception of urban life? this is the era of smart benches, where technology meets urban comfort.

Smart benches can improve public space accessibility and diversity by addressing many demands. Modern benches with charging stations, Wi-Fi, weather information, and air quality sensors are convenient and accommodating for a variety of people, including those with mobility issues, the visually impaired, and anyone looking for a comfortable place to rest and recharge.

Read more: How Can Smart Benches Improve Accessibility and Inclusivity in Public Spaces?

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