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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Urban landscapes are witnessing an extraordinary shift as they embrace the future with autonomous robots that are redefining street maintenance. Imaginations are turning into reality on city roads where these self-driving machines patch up potholes and expertly lay asphalt, setting a new standard for precision and efficiency in the process.

Innovators such as Doosan Robotics and Hyundai are on the front lines of this movement, deploying autonomous robots that once required the toil of crews. Hyundai shone a spotlight on their Construction Xite tractor at CES 2024, a beacon of progress for driverless excavation and paving. Meanwhile, Doosan’s cobots demonstrate astonishing material-sorting abilities, a testament to the advanced problem-solving skills imbued by AI.

Read more: Revolutionizing City Streets with Autonomous Robotic Maintenance

Clare Thomas, Head of Logic and Gary Bennett, Regional Director of UK and Ireland from Urbis Schréder, walk us through smart connected lighting, including their views on creating a sustainable urban ecosystem

With energy prices relentlessly rising, there has never been a better time for the government and local authorities to reduce overhead costs and increase energy savings. Gary Bennett, Regional Director (UK and Ireland) of Urbis Schréder, states, “Urbis are introducing not just lighting but offering additional services, helping customers reduce their carbon footprint and take control of their lighting solutions.”

Read more: Smart connected lighting: Creating a sustainable urban ecosystem

In the midst of bustling city life, AI and IoT technologies are leading a transformation through hyper-automation and smart cities. These advancements optimize complex processes and improve urban infrastructure management, creating a future where cities are smarter, more efficient, and responsive to our needs.

In the heart of bustling urban landscapes, a transformation is underway, spearheaded by the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This evolution is not just about technology; it's about reimagining the very fabric of city life. As we delve into the world of hyper-automation and smart cities, we uncover how these technologies are automating complex business processes and enhancing urban infrastructure management, promising a future where cities are not only smarter but also more responsive to our needs.

Read more: Revolutionizing Urban Landscapes: The Rise of AI and IoT in Hyper-Automation and Smart Cities

In response to the increasing demand for densification of 4G networks and to support the continued rollout of 5G, Connected Urban has been designed to enhance connectivity on our streets, delivering both macro and small cells within a single compact footprint.

Designed to accommodate multi-faceted services, including antennas, CCTV, public address systems, and even smart lighting, Connected Urban, is a range of sleek, modular, and scalable smart poles which go beyond just meeting the connectivity needs of modern cities.

Read more: Connected Urban: CU Phosco Lighting set to revolutionise Smart City Infrastructure with Innovative...

Exploring the Future of Infrastructure: Solar Roadways and Smart Cities

As we look towards the future of infrastructure, two key concepts stand out: solar roadways and smart cities. These innovative ideas are set to revolutionize our urban landscapes, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with our environment.

Read more: The Future of Infrastructure: Solar Roadways and Smart Cities

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