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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The two-year Visible initiative will support city leaders in London, Madrid and Oslo to pilot equitable and viable construction and renovation models.

C40 Cities has announced Visible, a project that seeks to harness the power of cities to decarbonise their built environments in a way that is both just and economically viable.

The two-year project will bring city leaders and officials in London, Madrid and Oslo together with representatives from workers unions, housing providers, construction industry actors, asset managers and finance and development stakeholders to explore how social equity and inclusion can be embedded into an urban decarbonisation journey.

Read more: C40 Cities’ roadmap aims to decarbonise built environment

C40 Cities’ second Students Reinventing Cities competition integrates the 15-minute city and proximity approach to creating green and thriving neighbourhoods.

An integrated approach that improves the socio-ecological connections between the local community and the river in Rome; reimagining of a viaduct into a "walkway-park" with flowerbeds and vegetation in São Paulo; and a 20-minute neighbourhood with indigenous recognition in Melbourne are among the winners of C40 Cities’ second Students Reinventing Cities competition.

Read more: C40 Cities: Students take 15-minute city approach to reimagining urban spaces

City mayors unveil a rewilding guide for cities, based on research by C40 Cities and Arup, which aims to reverse biodiversity loss and tackle climate change.

Transformational change in urban areas is needed to reverse biodiversity loss and tackle climate change, according to new research on “urban rewilding” by C40 and Arup.

London mayor and C40 chair Sadiq Khan and Montréal mayor and C40 vice chair Valérie Plante met in London to discuss city collaboration on climate and other issues. In addition, they convened a roundtable of experts to explore opportunities to bring back nature to cities.

Read more: C40 Cities: How to bring nature back to the cities

The Climate Action Implementation programme will help Bogotá, Guadalajara, Lima, Medellín and Mexico City progress plans to become carbon-neutral by 2050.

C40 Cities has announced it is expanding support for five Latin American cities to develop ambitious climate action implementation plans.

Running through to December 2025, the Climate Action Implementation (CAI) programme will help these cities on their way to becoming carbon-neutral by 2050 and secure a greener future for more than 35 million residents in the region.

Read more: C40 expands support for climate initiatives in Latin America

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