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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In a field in the heart of Uzbekistan’s Fergana Valley, a greenhouse isn’t just the simple structure it used to be. It’s now alive with digital sensors connected to the internet, through which a farmer can control the temperature, humidity, light and soil moisture. In the past a lot of earnings would disappear into paying for utility bills and buying fertilizers. Now, it is possible to regulate these inputs through the sensors. If anything needs to be adjusted in the greenhouse, the mobile phone buzzes to alert her. These sensors were particularly useful over the summer when extreme heat and lack of water impacted production from her greenhouse. While other farmers sustained great losses, the digital greenhouse was able to maintain her production at close to last year’s levels. It is a different type of farming now with digital technology. This situation frees up more time for other things such as marketing the produce, spending time with family and improving education and quality of life. Smart sensors based on the internet of things are being installed in greenhouses across Uzbekistan’s Fergana Valley.

Read more: UZ: The Smart Farming for the Future Generations

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