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Monday, 30.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
With the deployment of smart cards in government ID and healthcare gaining momentum across the globe, a new report from RNCOS reveals that there was an estimated 18% year-on-year growth of shipments to this sector in 2011.

RNCOS says: “Governments are putting in place the legal framework to leverage strong identity credentials for eGovernment, eHealth and eCommerce. Smart technology-based healthcare ID cards are also being issued in many countries.” According to the report, ‘Smart Card Market Forecast to 2014’, the unit shipment of smart cards for the government/healthcare segment is estimated to have grown by around 18% last year, with further increases expected.

According to the report, the global smart card industry has been facing continuous change over the past few years. New areas of growth have been supporting the widespread use of smart cards worldwide. Backed by positive factors, the unit shipment of microprocessor smart card is expected to have reached around 6.1 Bn in 2011. With the successful introduction of the micro-payment segment in various regions, including Asia, North America and Europe, the future looks promising for the smart card market.

The study provides an in-depth analysis of the global smart card market and current developments in key countries. Categorised on the basis of applications in sectors such as public, telecom, transport and financial services, it gives an insight into the current and future market trends, major industry drivers and key challenges. The research also includes an analysis of the regulatory environment associated with smart card deployment as well as summarising key activities.


Quelle/Source: Security Document World, 04.01.2012

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