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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

How the latest generation of connected urban infrastructure is changing the face of our cities and laying the foundation for the future of urban environments.

More than half the world’s population already lives in towns and cities. As a result, countries around the world face the challenge of how to meet sustainability targets in the face of growing urbanisation. From transportation and communications networks to social, economic and health ecosystems, the building blocks of cities are under increasing strain from urbanisation and climate change.

Read more: Industry 4.0 and the digital transformation of cities

What happens when the sensor-imbued city acquires the ability to see – almost as if it had eyes? During the 2019 Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB), titled "Urban Interactions," Archdaily is working with the curators of the "Eyes of the City" section at the Biennial to stimulate a discussion on how new technologies – and Artificial Intelligence in particular – might impact architecture and urban life. Here you can find all the information about the “Eyes of the City” section, curated by Carlo Ratti, Politecnico di Torino, and SCUT - including exhibits, events, and project's blueprints.

For some years now, a key issue in European debate has catalysed the attention of economists, sociologists, technologists, policymakers and trade unionists: Industry 4.0. Established in Germany in 2012 and initially discussed in an almost exclusively technological key, the issue has overwhelmed the political agenda of the main European economies, stimulating industrial policies and state support, but also provoking heated debates on the future of work and on the new relationship between factory and society.

Read more: Industry 4.0: A New Relationship Between Factory and Society

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