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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Urban planning is an ever-evolving discipline. Urban planners are constantly bringing innovations in city planning to make them smarter and more sustainable. Sustainability is the ultimate criterion of any successful endeavor in the modern world. Environmental conservation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction are the key characteristics of any smart city. While there are many causes of pollution and GHG emissions in cities, vehicles running on fossil fuels are perhaps the most critical reason. Reducing the dependency on fossil fuels can be the single most important step towards environmental conservation.

In the past few years, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a viable alternative to fossil fuel-powered vehicles. Due to their significantly low environmental footprint, EVs are the key to building a cleaner future. Although the adoption of EVs is gradually increasing, the lack of supporting infrastructure is a big hurdle in front of the mass adoption of these vehicles. The replacement of all diesel and petrol vehicles with EVs is inevitable, therefore it is important for urban planners to plan the cities to suit the needs of electric vehicles.

Read more: Urban infrastructure to boost electric vehicles

Fleet adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is on the rise. With government targets to cut carbon emissions, the continued push to reduce fleet costs, and the increasing choice and affordability of EVs, this trend will only continue.

Key factors to consider in an EV adoption strategy

Through looking at the maximum range a vehicle completes in one day, you are able to choose what kind of EV you require. Range anxiety is often cited as one of the main reasons fleets have not yet switched to EVs, as they do not want their drivers to be stranded without access to charging facilities. Analyzing the maximum distance driven by a vehicle provides an immediate pass/fail gate when considering an electric vehicle.

Read more: Going Electric: What You Need to Know About EV Fleet Management

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