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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Governments worldwide are in a transformative phase, seeking innovative solutions to address complex challenges. The emerging field of Government Technology, or GovTech, is where innovative projects try to address these challenges.

In this article, we explore five critical areas within GovTech, illustrating why they present unique opportunities for innovative startup projects.

Read more: Exploring 5 Key Opportunities In Government Technology

To improve access to information, local and national governments around the world are investing in technology – part of the so-termed ‘GovTech’ wave. This includes, in PwC’s summation, using digital to deliver new and better ways to enable citizens to engage in their communities and receive the public services they need.

As a concept, ‘government technology’ concerns the application of information technology’s role in national and local governments. This is a rapidly changing landscape, driven by technological innovation and identified need. A new report charts the key movements within the sector.

Read more: Empowering citizens: Where next for the GovTech tidal wave?

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