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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Tools for managing Web content are as varied as the agency sites they support

The nature of government Web sites has changed dramatically over the past five years. The number of Web pages published by state, local and federal agencies has grown exponentially, and the expectations of citizens, businesses and other government agencies have grown just as much.

On top of that, the need for compliance with regulations for everything from record retention to accessibility highlights the need for more than just simple editing and posting tools.

Read more: Behind every good e-Gov program...

A toolkit to help policy makers and senior executives in developing countries on how and when to start successfully e-government projects was recently published by UNESCO and India’s National Informatics Centre (NIC) as a contribution to promote transparency in public administrations and democratic processes.

The toolkit, that is available on CD-ROM, aims to demystify the concepts behind e-government and strengthen the understanding of all those involved in the planning and execution of e-government projects.

Read more: E-government toolkit for developing countries now available

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