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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Cities will be major beneficiaries from growth in the IoT market, according to a report released by Verizon.

Organizations are seeing measurable benefits from Internet of Things (IoT) projects, and the number of overall IoT connections will more than quadruple between 2014 and 2020, according to a Verizon Enterprise Solutions report released Feb. 23.

Read more: Internet of Things Expected to Quadruple in Size by 2020

The Center for Data Innovation has released recommendations for policymakers to maximize the benefits of the Internet of Things.

A new report suggests that if elected officials want to fully harness the power of the Internet of Things, they must draft policy that maximizes the impact that machine-to-machine communication can have on economic growth and social well-being.

Read more: 10 Policy Principles to Unlock the Internet of Things

To anyone who is tuned into the tech world, it should not come as earth shattering news that machine-to-machine (M2M) technology and the Internet of Things have hit a major convergence point in the tech industry. What is fairly new however is that the two have become so closely intertwined with each other that you can no longer think about one without thinking of the other.

If you look back in time at the progression of both concepts though, you’ll discover that these were in fact two starkly unrelated ideas at one point that have since evolved from a loose correlation to a tightly interwoven dependency. In fact, in order to understand from today’s standpoint the current and future relationship between the two, you must first understand their nuances, as well as the transformations they have undergone as one technology has begun to flow into the other.

Read more: Convergence In The Internet Of Things Is Priming The Tech World For A Major Cultural Shift

Internet of Things technologies are already all around us and with a market that is expected to reach a value of more than $ 14.4 trillion over the next decade with 50 billion connected devices by 2020, the question is whether ad hoc regulations are necessary to govern the Internet of Things sector.

The current scenario

The current rules applicable to wearable technologies, smart cities, smart home devices, eHealth technologies have not been drafted having in mind Internet of Things platforms. The consequence of that is that lawyers and regulators need to adapt rules issued to regulate a completely different environment reaching sometimes the conclusion that such regulations would make Internet of Things projects either financially or operationally unworkable.

Read more: Right time for Internet of Things regulations?

The business world is currently moving into an era of ubiquitous connectivity, which is transforming the operating styles and communication channels of an enterprise.

Machine to machine (M2M)communications, a solution that allows automated communication between connected devices over a wireless network, has aided enterprises in their progress to ascertain constant connectivity and real time monitoring of assets.

Read more: M2M harnessing the power of connected world

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