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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Economy 4.0 has emerged and is here to stay. It captures the imagination of many, and is a key theme of several conferences such as the World Economic Forum, the Islamic Development Bank’s Private Sector Forum, and the Dubai-based Annual Investment Meeting.

Big data, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and blockchain have arrived and are here to stay. There is a race between countries and companies to provide platforms and create ecosystems to benefit from this innovation. These new technologies are disruptive and will change every aspect of our lives.

Read more: Economy 4.0 is here to stay

E-commerce and m-commerce in general continue to rise and rise around the world. Other trends closely linked to this such as e-health and e-government initiatives also continue to gather pace. However, there is a divide occurring with some of the poorest nations around the world still unable to access suitable digital infrastructure to access such services.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments for the Global Digital Economy in terms of the Sharing Economy, E-commerce, E-health, E-education and E-government. The report analyses the key trends occurring in these sectors, supported by statistics and examples.

Read more: Detailed examination of the Global digital and sharing economy - the e-commerce and m-commerce...

The World Bank identifies why government policy is important to ensure the benefits brought by technology are broadly shared

Last month the World Bank released its flagship World Development Report entitled “Digital Dividends”.

The report is appealing because it does more than simply celebrate all the ways that digital technology has made the world a better place. It also laments and warns against outcomes where the digital economy becomes divisive and exclusionary.

Read more: The digital economy is a blessing and a threat

With the rise of digital platforms, the world is rapidly changing. In newspaper and book publishing, TV and radio, film, music, and other forms of media, we see that the walls that protected organisations within traditional models are crumbling.

Our future rests on E-health and E-education

Yet, despite the obvious need to move with the times, many professionals and organisations are still grappling with the digital economy and questioning the impact it will have on them – or, even worse, are ignorant about it. In many cases, their own consumers are well ahead of them.

Read more: Recent research: Global digital economy market overview - the crucial role of e-health,...

Market Research Reports, Inc. has announced the addition of “Global Digital Economy - The Crucial Role of E-Health, E-Government and E-Education” research report to their website

With the rise of digital platforms, the world is rapidly changing. In newspaper and book publishing, TV and radio, film, music, and other forms of media, we see that the walls that protected organisations within traditional models are crumbling. Yet, despite the obvious need to move with the times, many professionals and organisations are still grappling with the digital economy and questioning the impact it will have on them – or, even worse, are ignorant about it. In many cases, their own consumers are well ahead of them. The public sector is also seriously affected; it should learn from the problems in other areas, especially book and newspaper publishing. Healthcare and education are classic examples here.

Read more: Global Digital Economy - the Crucial Role of E-Health, E-Government and E-Education; New Report

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