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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The corner convenience store is now the last-mile connect for technology services.

In Taiwan, Family Mart, the country’s second-largest convenience store chain, recently launched a new service that allows Taiwanese nationals to submit applications for extending their travel documents to enter China. With large numbers of Taiwanese visiting China in recent years, Family Mart has jumped in to take advantage of this lucrative business opportunity. Family Mart’s service at NT $499 (US$17.2) per application is cheaper and more convenient than applying directly to a travel agency which costs between NT $500 - NT $600.

Read more: Govt services at every street corner

Global chip maker Freescale Technology has developed a low-cost intelligent hospital kiosk that enables patients to quickly check their health parameters and seek a physician's advice through the internet.

"The electronic kiosk is a biometric data acquisition system that assesses a person's health and performs basic medical tests, including for body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar level and electrocardiogram (ECG) of heart," Freescale development manager Jose Fernandez told IANS here.

Weighing about 30 kg, the touch-screen kiosk was developed by Freescale's engineering team in Mexico as a low-cost solution for quick and accurate screening tests to know a patient's health prior to hospitalisation.

Read more: Intelligent hospital kiosk for quick health tests

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