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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
When people everywhere are embracing social media by the millions, no reason why e-governance should be left behind. Here are 16 successful uses of social media for e-governance from around the world:

Monitoring Power Outages

North America’s energy grid is ageing, and marred with frequent outages. The average outage time for the grid in a year is as high as 214 minutes in the North east (the comparable figure in Japan is only 4 minutes). Overhauling the grid would, of course, require a lot of money. So, what the power companies there are doing is taking recourse to the social media.

Read more: 16 awesome ways to use social media for e Governance

Choose your own adventure: will mankind shut itself away, embrace techno-authoritarianism, or build a network of supercities governed by big-data-powered e-mayors?

This is the question posed by the World Economic Forum in a new paper on how technology will change politics.

The WEF extrapolates from trends in internet and tech adoption to produce three versions of the future in its “Smart Toolbox”, released in Dubai yesterday ahead of its meeting of the Global Agenda Council, to be held in the UAE this year.

Read more: WEF speculates on the future: e-Utopia or e-1984?

eGovernance, especially in developing countries, is looked upon as means to change the very concept of eGovernance resulting in empowerment of the citizens and increased transparency in public dealings by the governments; increased efficiencies in delivery of public goods is an inherent underlying assumption. The big question is that what actually we want to do by adding the letter ‘e’ in front of various words. The main objective of it is just only computerizing the manual process running from last so many numbers of years or we want to improve it without changing the way of processing. The term ‘eGovernance’ is one such term. eGovernance allows direct participation of constituents in government activities. The main objective of the eGovernance models is that better use of information and makes a clear transparency in government-people transactions. It also creates a platform for profitable participation of government in business transactions. Customer relationship management gives better service to the citizens in less time and costs as well as better utilization of space by paperless work environment. Different departments of the government can also communicate very effectively which infect give benefits to the society and helps in the growth of a new economy. Also, a citizen can avail multiple government services from a single point. While looking at these advantages from the eGovernance, we also have to take care about all challenges which play a big role in success of eGovernance system. Some of these challenges are Lack of Integrated Services, Lack of Communication between different Departments, Lack of Key Persons, Population, Establishing Person Identities, and Different Languages.

Read more: Without bridging the digital divide eGovernance projects will not be effective

Increasing usage of Internet based networks and internetworking is fast changing egovernance towards the enterprise side

The globally driven revolution in the Internet world is changing our lives in terms of the way we interact with each other, use multiple devices, work, learn and interact within the office space of personal spaces.

These changes naturally should reflect the way government functions in terms of the organization of the government, its relationship with its citizens, institutions and businesses and cooperation with other governments.

Read more: Internet Interface, Changing Governance into Enterprise

E-government is the abbreviation for electronic government. Its normally enhanced by the use of the internet. The internet was initially used for administrative and communication purposes by large organizations including the military and after it were found to be effective most governments are employing it because it provides the fastest means of service delivery and communication. This report explains the logic behind e-government and the risks involved.

As explained above e-government allows the government to communicate with its citizens at the touch of a button. Additionally it allows people to access government services faster as opposed to previous decades when people had to make long lines in government offices. Before the adoption of e-governance in countries where government offices were centrally located in one major city people had to travel from upcountry in order to get government services.

Read more: Governments should embrace Egovernance

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