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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Throughout the past two decades, governments internationally have responded to fundamental changes in the world economy and their respective environments by initiating programmes of public service reform. Experience suggests that while much has been achieved, one of the more formidable challenges is shaping and delivering systemic change programmes that have a whole-of-government impact. This focus on systemic change becomes all the more critical when one considers the powerful role of modern ICT systems in public service systems. The effective deployment of ICT has long been a hallmark of excellent public service modernisation programmes.

Read more: Making ICT more effective

Once a technology follower, government now pioneers IT that will make agencies more productive and help drive the overall economy, Cisco Systems Inc. CEO John Chambers said today.

“Government is starting to lead in its implementation of technology to change process,” Chambers said during the opening address at FOSE 2004 in Washington.

Read more: USA: Government now drives technology, Cisco CEO says

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