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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Most government return on investment and business case methodologies don’t measure the very real and quantifiable benefits that accrue to citizens and businesses from e-government investments.

One reality of globalization is that businesses can move their operations more easily than ever before. This is forcing cities, states, provinces, and countries to compete more vigorously in a host of areas to attract and retain businesses and knowledge workers. Tax laws, the legal system, and the regulatory environment, are critical to a company's decision on where to locate. Other factors such as the quality of life, education, and infrastructure also shape the view of how attractive the business climate is in a particular jurisdiction. The sum of how a government competes along these dimensions is a gauge of its economic competitiveness.

Read more: Enhancing Economic Competitiveness Through e-Government

A study by Deloitte Research offers a new approach for evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of government technology investments. According to the study, public sector organizations should evaluate information technology (IT) investments not only by the cost savings they generate for government, but by the financial benefits they create for citizens and businesses. The study brings a new dimension to the valuation of IT, suggesting a direct correlation between e-government and economic competitiveness.

Read more: Deloitte offers new approach to ROI evaluation on government IT investment

E-government investments are not evaluated often enough for the financial benefits they provide to citizens and businesses, according to a study published Tuesday by the research unit of New York-based Deloitte Consulting.

Most e-government investments are evaluated according to the cost savings they generate for government, not for their benefits to citizens and businesses.

Read more: Deloitte: Measuring benefits can help sell e-gov projects

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