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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
It is often argued that no technology in history has been as effective at fighting poverty as the mobile phone. According to the World Bank, an extra ten mobiles per 100 people in a typical poor country will add 0.8 per cent to GDP growth.

The humble handset has given disadvantaged people access to information with which they can build businesses or increase the productivity of their crops in geographically isolated areas, such as remotes islands in Indonesia and the Philippines, and where there are dodgy roads, unreliable public transport, and disrupted landlines.

Read more: Can mobiles close the digital divide?

A la Österreichs Adonis | Kosten belaufen sich auf rund 2,5 Mrd. Euro | Verbände warnen vor weiterer Verzögerung

Read more: Deutschland will Behörden-Digitalfunk

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