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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Schlampige Planung, fehlende Steuerung und Erfolgskontrolle

Der Präsident des Bundesrechnungshofes, Dieter Engels, hat im Zusammenhang mit Großprojekten der Informationstechnologie schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Regierungen von Bund und Ländern erhoben. Diese würden bei Projekten der Informationstechnologie, mit denen beispielsweise Finanzämter oder die Polizei modernisiert werden sollen, immer wieder die gleichen Fehler begehen, sagte Engels dem Nachrichtenmagazin 'Focus'.

Read more: Bundesrechnungshof: Bund und Ländern lernen nicht aus Fehlern bei IT-Großprojekt

By Neil Goodall, the European managing director of Tescom, and former banking programme director for the Post Office, where he headed up arguably one of the most successful IT projects of 2003.

The Public Sector is often considered inefficient and ineffective when it comes to technology deployment. Here he outlines his suggestions on best practice for handling IT projects in the Public Sector.

Read more: Best Practice for Public Sector IT Projects

As many agencies struggle to define ways to measure the performance of their IT investments, the General Services Administration seems to have found a method that works.

Roxie Murphy, director of GSA’s E-Government Strategies Division in the Office of Governmentwide Policy, said agency IT workers are applying the CIO Council’s Value Measuring Methodology to three e-government projects.

Read more: Taking measure of e-gov projects

The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) and industry association Intellect have launched a package of measures aimed at raising the success rate of public sector IT projects

There are three main elements of the package, it was announced on 8 December 2003.

Read more: UK: Three steps to success

What state and local governments can teach feds about project management

During the past several months, officials at the Office of Management and Budget have made a case for improving project management across the federal government.

Read more: USA: Lessons from the field

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