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Monday, 30.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Waseda University Institute of e-Government, Japan has announced the release of its 2006 World e-Government Ranking.

The top ten e-governments are:

  1. USA,
  2. Canada,
  3. Singapore,
  4. Japan,
  5. Korea,
  6. Germany,
  7. Taiwan,
  8. Australia,
  9. United Kingdom, and
  10. Finland.
In its second year, the institute has assessed the progress and development of e-government in 32 countries. Claiming to be the first attempt of its type from Asia, the assessment further claims to be different from the existing rankings which mainly focused on websites and systems such as customer relation management (CRM).This study claims to include “relevant factors for an ideal e-Government, such as the core of the administrative and financial reform – its effectiveness, productivity, and usefulness to the citizens.”

Six areas through 28 indicators, indicated in parentheses, were surveyed:

I. Network Preparedness:

  1. Internet users,
  2. Broadband users,
  3. Mobile users,
  4. PC users,
  5. Security system.

II. Required Interface Functioning Applications:

  1. Online applications,
  2. e-tender system,
  3. e-tax system,
  4. e-voting system,
  5. e-payment system,
  6. User friendly interface.

III. Management optimization:

  1. EA-ICT investment,
  2. System optimization,
  3. Integrated network system,
  4. Administrative and budgetary systems,
  5. Public management reform by ICT.

IV. Homepage:

  1. Updating frequency,
  2. Public disclosure,
  3. Link navigation system,
  4. Multi-language correspondence.


  1. Introduction of CIO,
  2. HRD for CIO,
  3. Supporting body for CIO,
  4. Role and function of CIO.

VI. Promotion of e-Government:

  1. Priority of e-Government planning & strategy,
  2. Promotion activities,
  3. Legal framework,
  4. Evaluation system.

The 32 countries covered by the survey are:

  1. Japan,
  2. United States,
  3. Canada,
  4. Thailand,
  5. The Philippines,
  6. Malaysia,
  7. Vietnam,
  8. Korea,
  9. Brunei,
  10. Indonesia,
  11. Australia,
  12. Singapore,
  13. Chili,
  14. Mexico,
  15. Peru,
  16. Brazil,
  17. New Zealand,
  18. Taiwan,
  19. Hong Kong,
  20. Russia,
  21. China,
  22. Finland,
  23. Sweden,
  24. Norway,
  25. United Kingdom,
  26. Belgium,
  27. France,
  28. Germany,
  29. The Netherlands,
  30. Italy,
  31. Spain, and
  32. South Africa.

(The previous year, only 23 countries were included in the survey.)

This year, efforts to promote e-government by each country were also analyzed.” In my view this is a unique assessment of e-government worldwide, though on a limited scale, which has, among other things, specifically included evaluation of indicators on chief information officer (CIO), the key functionary in e-government, like introduction of CIO, HRD, human resource development, for CIO, supporting body for CIO, and role and function of CIO.

Autor: Dr DC Misra

Quelle: Digital Divide Network, 16.12.2005

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