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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The United States, Britain, and Canada have created the best environments for e-commerce to flourish among the top industrial nations, but Australia is an online government leader, according to a study by management-consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. "A supportive environment is the single most critical factor for a successful E-economy," said Booz Allen Hamilton vice president Barrie Berg. "It's the foundation for all other aspects of the E-economy. This includes a country's regulatory system, political leadership, and communications infrastructure."

Residents of Canada, Sweden, and the United States are more likely to be involved in E-commerce, the study found, while business “E-maturity,” or the adoption and use of online technologies to change the way businesses work, is most developed in the United States and Sweden.

Sweden, the United States, Canada, and Australia have the strongest E-government development, driven by their early initiatives and a sustained commitment.

The British government and the Information Age Partnership, a group of 30 CEOs and senior executives from leading European IT and telecom companies, commissioned Booz Allen last March to conduct the study of the G7 countries--Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States--plus Australia and Sweden to assess Britain's level of progress toward its target of becoming "the best environment in the world for E-commerce."

"The countries with the most advanced E-economies got an early start and haven't looked back," Berg said. "They've succeeded by maintaining their commitment to drive E-access into all aspects of society.

Quelle: iTnews Australia

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