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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Last month, I was proud to unveil Australia's first ever Digital Transformation Strategy, which will revolutionise the delivery of government services over the next seven years and ensure we remain a world leader for digital government.

The strategy sets out a bold and detailed plan on how we intend to achieve our goals and was backed by a roadmap containing more than $1.5 billion worth of fully funded digital initiatives that will be rolled out over the next two years.

Yet reading Paul Smith's opinion piece that attacked the strategy on these pages last week, I had to question whether he was talking about the same document.

Anyone who had taken the time to read the strategy and its roadmap would have seen that this is the first time an Australian government has committed to delivering all of its services digitally. That is a commitment that will make standing in queues to do things like applying for welfare payments, registering a birth or a death or getting a Tax File Number a thing of the past.

In my eyes, that is revolutionary.

We have also committed in our strategy to breaking down the jurisdictional boundaries between the different tiers of government to provide seamless services that put the needs of people and businesses first, rather than around government imperatives. Again, that is revolutionary.

Eliminating friction

Our strategy is not about simply creating one website for all government agencies. Our major services are already available online. Real digital transformation is about eliminating the friction of multiple logins, repetitive tasks and jurisdictional boundaries.

It is delivering simple services that can be tailored to individual needs and personalised based on the information shared by the users. It is making dedicated digital assistants available for those who need them, including in different languages and for those with different abilities.

This is what we mean when we pledge to enable Australians to complete any transaction digitally – completely end-to-end from the comfort of their own home or on their device of choice.

Our commitment will revolutionise the way Australians interact with government, as will our pledge to provide a truly seamless experience that erases jurisdictional boundaries.

Key reforms

The key to making these pledges a reality are three significant reforms that I have personally overseen since becoming the Minister responsible for Digital Transformation almost 12 months ago.

The first is investing in our digital identity solution, known as myGovID. The first pilot program, launched in October, enables users to apply for and receive a Tax File Number within minutes, from their mobile phone.

The second reform is unlocking the transformative power of data for both government and, most importantly, for all Australians.

We established a National Data Commissioner to strengthen the safeguards around data and ensure it is used in a secure and ethical way. Our Consumer Data Right is giving people more control over their information, so they can get a better deal when dealing with banks, telcos and energy companies.

Digital Council

The third major enabler is the new Australian Digital Council, which brings together ministers responsible for data and digital transformation across federal, state and territory governments to improve collaboration on major digital projects and to find ways to align and integrate service delivery.

These reforms, along with hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of fully funded initiatives on the roadmap, are the actions of a government that is very determined to deliver on our commitments.

If one needs an authoritative source to vouch for the performance of the Australian government, I would take the e-Government rankings published by the experts at the UN, where Australia consistently ranks number 2 in the world.

We are getting on with the job of building a better future and I would encourage anyone interested in finding out the facts to check the strategy and actual roadmap.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Michael Keenan

Quelle/Source: The Australian Financial Review, 03.2.2018

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