The government has won the agreement of big doctors' groups, including the Australian Medical Association, to new arrangements that will allow doctors to claim as much as $100 from Medicare for collating health records with their patients. But as part of the agreement the government has also agreed to postpone the deadline for doctors to meet e-health capability requirements until next May, after originally proposing February.
Under the new agreement, doctors will have to gear up their practices to enable the electronic collection and transmission of patient records to qualify for separate practice incentive payments worth thousands of dollars a year.
The personally controlled electronic health record system officially started on July 1 but by yesterday just 7115 people had signed on to the system.
The scheme ultimately will enable patients to generate with their doctor a shared summary of their medical history and to control what the doctor and other health professionals can see of their record.
The scheme, which potentially will give hospitals and doctors instant access to patient information, is expected to reduce medication mistakes and duplication, but will be optional.
The Health Minister, Tanya Plibersek, said general practitioners would be able to bill Medicare for preparing both shared health summaries and medical event summaries dealing with significant episodes of treatment, as part of the consultation.
In deciding what level of fee to bill Medicare, GPs would only have to consider the reasonable time it would take, not the complexity of the consultation, Ms Plibersek said.
The effect of this means doctors could charge a Medicare fee ranging from the standard $35.60 to the rate for at least 40 minutes consultation of $101.55, depending on the time taken to do the e-health record with the patient.
''These decisions acknowledge the central role GPs will play in an effective e-health record system,'' Ms Plibersek said.
The AMA president, Steve Hambleton, said the new measures were ''significant incentives'' for doctors to take part in what was a new clinical practice that created extra work.
Arn Sprogis, who chairs the Australian Medicare Local Alliance, said that getting the payment structure right was a critical element to ramp up participation in the e-health program.
Autor(en)/Author(s): Mark Metherell
Quelle/Source: Camden Advertiser, 24.08.2012