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Thursday, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Premier, Lara Giddings, said criticism of the pilot roll-out of the National Broadband Network in Tasmania reflected a fundamental misunderstanding of the importance of broadband to regional communities.

Ms Giddings said NBN Co was ultimately responsible for the roll-out of the NBN and would determine the timetable for the further expansion of the network in Tasmania.

“We know that Tasmanian communities want to have access to fast and affordable broadband and I would encourage the Federal Government to act quickly to commence the second stage of the roll-out,” Ms Giddings said.

“We look forward to more Tasmanian towns being connected to the network under round-two in the near future, including Deloraine, George Town, Kingston Beach, Sorell, South Hobart, St Helens and Triabunna.”

Ms Giddings said Smithton, Midway Point and Scottsdale were deliberately chosen because they were not well serviced with broadband in the past.

“Part of the fundamental basis of the NBN is to connect rural communities so it makes sense that the pilot project was rolled out to regional towns first, rather than cities which are already serviced with more acceptable internet speeds,” Ms Giddings said.

“It is rural communities that arguably stand to benefit most from the opportunities and innovation of the NBN – from e-health applications and virtual health check-ups to more interactive online distance education.”

Ms Giddings said starting out in smaller towns also made it easier to trouble-shoot and fine tune the system.

“As more towns are connected to the network, we will start to see more applications and business opportunities emerge.

“It is a bit rich for the Tasmanian Liberals to claim that they support the NBN given the Federal Opposition’s unrelenting criticism of the roll-out.

“Michael Ferguson’s is simply attempting to deflect attention from the fact that he has failed to stand up to his Federal colleagues who have been attempting to undermine this investment from the very beginning.”


Quelle/Source: Tasmanian Government Media Releases, 18.04.2011

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