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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government seeks advice on benefits, trends.

The Australian Government has released a tender for consulting work prior to the roll-out of a personally-controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system.

Issued as part of the Government's $466.7 million eHealth investment, the Request for Tender for the PCEHR system (RFT 217/1011) was welcomed by the Minister for Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon.

"The successful tenderer will put in place the analytical and evaluation framework that will underpin the development of e-health records," Roxon said.

Tender documentation stated that the PCEHR will allow consumers to access their medical history online, boost patient safety, improve healthcare delivery and cut waste and duplication.

The Government said it was seeking a "Benefits and Evaluation Partner" to monitor and measure the progress of the program, analyse the benefits being progressively delivered and evaluate the system's growing capability.

The winning bidder will be asked to provide continuing feedback to the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA) and the National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA).

An industry briefing on the RFT will be held in Canberra on 17 January, 2011.

Tenders close on Friday, 11 February 2011. Interested parties can access the documentation through the AusTender website.


Autor(en)/Author(s): John Hilvert

Quelle/Source: iT News, 20.12.2010

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