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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A $6 million upgrade to the State's health cyber-consultation system will potentially save the health system about $1.5 million a year.

The Telehealth system, which links patients with health professionals across the state via online video was unveiled today in Karratha by Health Minister Kim Hames.

The system will enable the health sector to save money by no longer having to pay for patients to travel under the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme. Patients and their local doctors would have the option of discussing treatment with specialists in different locations using the system.

Dr Hames said the system would deliver video linkage while improving access to high-quality health care for patients in regional areas.

He said the upgraded system would not replace face-to-face clinical services but enhance the provision of health care where distance was an issue.

"Delivery of high-quality health services is a team approach, and for rural and remote patients the health system may not always be within either the same location or within the state health system," Dr Hames said.

"This advanced Telehealth technology can help overcome the barrier of distance and significantly improve health services to our remote communities, providing secure linkage to enable external stakeholders to hold consultations and share information," Dr Hames said.

In the future Telehealth would be able to be accessed from patients' homes in certain cases.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Lee-Maree Gallo

Quelle/Source: WA today, 25.10.2010

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