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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Rudd Government has wheeled out four new funding projects under its Digital Regions Initiative that it says will use improved communications services to deliver better health outcomes in regional and remote Australia.

The projects include $2.48 million toward a South Australian Digital Telehealth Network project aimed improving the state’s distance consultation services – including 24/7 triage and liaison services – and $1.8 million for a NSW Ambulance clinical outreach program for new medical record, administration and e-learning systems at 190 ambulance stations.

The Digital Regions program was set up as part of the Federal response to the Glasson Review of regional telecommunications conducted by the previous Government. Further funding for the program was announced in last May’s Budget.

Communication's Minister Stephen Conroy says the $43 billion National Broadband Network would ultimately underpin the projects being undertaken through the Digital Region’s planning.

"The National Broadband Network will deliver high-speed broadband to all Australians, no matter where they choose to live, and the Digital Regions Initiative will drive important developments to enable the productive benefits on offer," he said.

"The initiative will ensure Australians living outside our major metropolitan centres benefit directly from improved access to digital health services, online educational opportunities and improved emergency and disaster response."

Other projects announced include $1.3 million for a Justice Health outreach program that uses Using telehealth systems to improve health outcomes and wellbeing for people in custody and for their families in NSW, and $880,000 for a TAFE-based online professional development service for nurses and other health professionals.

The Digital Regions Initiative funds projects in partnership with the states and territories. The four new projects follow an initial seven projects announced by the Prime Minister at the Broadband Future Forum in December.


Autor(en)/Author(s): James Riley

Quelle/Source: IT Wire, 13.01.2010

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