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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Australia has provided a further $7.3 million to support the expansion of an Internet enterprise that provides innovative, web- based solutions for effective aid and e-government in developing countries - the Development Gateway Foundation.

The funding will be provided over three years and will be used to support the creation of aid management tools, e-government grants management, global online knowledge-sharing communities and support for a network of locally-owned web-related services.

A portion of the funds will support the deployment of public procurement websites in Asia-Pacific countries using the Development Gateway's dgMarket platform. dgMarket is an Internet-based system which provides savings and enhances transparency by publishing government procurement information online.

Australia is a founding donor to the Development Gateway Foundation. Its programs demonstrate the practical ways in which the power of ICTs can be harnessed for development - by increasing transparency, enhancing the effectiveness of aid, and sharing knowledge.

The Development Gateway is a major contributor to global efforts to improve the effectiveness of international aid and achieve better development results for people in developing nations.

Former AusAID Assistant Director General, Mark Fleeton, was recently appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Development Gateway Foundation, an independent spin-off of the World Bank.

Quelle/Source: Pacific Magazine, 22.05.2006

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