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Wednesday, 2.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
THE NSW Minister for Information Technology, Mr Kim Yeadon, officially launched the website for the Labor candidate for Bega, Ms Wilma Chinnock, on his visit to Bega last week. He highlighted the importance of making information readily available to the public and said accurate information was certainly important at election time.

Mr Yeadon described Ms Chinnock as an "excellent candidate" and commented on her achievements in the local community over the past 21 years that she has lived in the electorate.

He also spoke about innovative technology projects, including one designed to better co-ordinate bushfire hazard reduction across the State.

"The 18 technology projects represent the next phase in the NSW Labor Government's e-government agenda - breaking down traditional bureaucratic barriers to deliver more integrated services, built around people's experience in key areas like bushfire management, health, schools and police," he said.

"These projects use the latest technology to get the best possible information to the people who need it most - firefighters, police officers, teachers, students and the community.

"We have put hundreds of government services on-line and the list continues to grow.

"Our focus is to use technology to better co-ordinate this information so that people in government and in the community can get important information from a whole range of sources more easily.

"This will be a feature of our information technology election policy.

"For example, the $750,000 bushfire management project will enable fire experts from all departments to share and map the very latest information, including the location of fires, hazard reduction burns and fire permits across the State.

"This will enable volunteer firefighters and fire managers from Government agencies like the Rural Fire Service, NSW Fire Brigades, State Forests and the National Parks and wildlife Service to get the very latest information in the field.

"The project will also help us to more effectively plan bushfire hazard reduction and firefighting into the future."

Ms Chinnock's website can be accessed at

Quelle: BegaDistrictNews

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