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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As the federal Government moves to fulfil its election promise to build a world-class national broadband network, greater clarity is needed about how this infrastructure will enhance our ability to play a role in the global digital economy and position Australia as a leader in the services sector.

Australia is already a strong services economy with proven strengths in the financial sector, education, tourism and health.

The new national broadband network will play an important role in enabling and extending each of these sectors, allowing us to develop innovative systems we can take to the world.

Read more: Australia: Broadband pledge needs global dimension

The federal government has released guidelines for the Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) it says will make the program more effective.

The ABG was introduced to provide people in rural and remote areas not covered under the proposed national broadband network with access to metro-comparable services.

Read more: Australia: Govt takes steps to boost broadband in bush

Victoria's Auditor-General has chided the state government's IT administrators for failing to deliver a number of substantial projects on time and in the black, but some still see the state as "light years ahead of New South Wales".

Des Pearson, Auditor-General for Victoria, released a report yesterday assessing the outcome of the state's whole-of-government electronic directory initiative — Project Rosetta — concluding that delays and budget excesses related to the project are symbolic of ongoing problems in government IT.

Read more: Australia: Vic govt IT admins slammed by auditor

Finance Minister Lindsey Tanner yesterday announced that EDS had won an AU$25 million contract over four years to create, a "one-stop-shop" for all government information and services.

Users will be able to create an account and personalise the site so they can easily access information or services from different government agencies. The portal will also be able to pre-populate forms with details from their profile, and allow users to complete the forms offline.

Read more: Agencies to link in $25m revamp

UMTS-Verbindung zum Zentralserver ermöglicht Identitätsprüfung vor Ort

Die Polizeibehörde des australischen Bundesstaates New South Wales (NSW) startet im Juni einen Pilotversuch mit Handheld-Geräten, die Personen vor Ort anhand der Fingerabdrücke identifizieren können. Das Projekt, dessen Kostenpunkt bei 5,7 Mio. australischen Dollar (3,5 Mio. Euro) liegt, soll den Polizisten die Identitätsfeststellung in Echtzeit ermöglichen und der Behörde damit vor allem Zeit ersparen, die die manuelle Verarbeitung der Fingerprints in Anspruch nehmen würde, berichtet das Nachrichtenportal AustralianIT.

Read more: Australien: Polizei testet mobile Fingerprintscanner

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